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So in this Lance has a guitar. He went to the space mall one day, after saving up a lot of money, and bought a guitar. :P (Original Colors) btw! I just found this guy's channel, and it is PHENOMENAL! I highly suggest you listen to some of his other covers! (I don't own the music!!) (Don't play the song yet)

~Lance's POV~

  Allura just called the team into the dinning hall for a bonding moment. Last time we bonded, we all played truth or dare. I had to come out at bi during that. Fuuun, am I right?
  Anyway, I walked into the dinning hall a little late, so Allura wasn't happy.
  "Lance! What were you doing?" She asked harshly.
  "Uh.. I was listening to music and it was at a good part. I just didn't have the heart to turn it off.." I said, telling the complete truth, while scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.
  She simply rolled her eyes, faced the rest of the team, and started speaking, "Today, we will tell each other our favorite hobby! If it's something you can demonstrate, you will. For example, if you like to dance, you will dance in front of us. Is that clear?" Before anyone could answer, she clapped her hands together loudly, "Good! Pidge, you go first! Then Shiro, Hunk, Keith, and finally, Lance."
  Pidge looked startled, but she started to talk anyway, "I, obviously, like inventing new things. I could show you some of my inventions, I guess?" She turned towards Allura.
  "Oh, no, it's fine. We have all already seen some of your projects! Shiro, you're up!" Allura answered before yelling excitedly at Shiro.
  "Well, Uh.. this is kind of embarrassing.. I know you guys would expect, like, something.. cool, but I simply love to read.." Shiro answered awkwardly.
  "Cool! That's completely fine, Shiro! Hunk, your turn."
  "I like to cook. Obviously. Guys, I'm your chef. Did you really need to ask?" Hunk joked.
  "No, I suppose not.. Keith, your turn!" She yelled.
  After a minute of us waiting for him to say more, which he didn't, we just continued," Lance, your turn," Allura said in a harsh voice.
  "Playing the guitar.." I said. My team looked at me weirdly. Then, everyone, except Coran and Hunk, started to laugh.
  "What?!" I asked.
  "You? Playing the guitar? I bet you suck!" Keith yelled while laughing. That made me mad. I marched up to him and grabbed him by the collar with fire in my eyes. He looked genuinely scared.
  "I don't care if you insult me, but you DO NOT insult my ability to play the guitar. Got it?!" He nodded his head. I let go of his collar and went back to where I was before.
  "Do you want to hear me play? Because I will gladly prove you all wrong," I said in a dark voice.
  "Jeez man, why are you all worked up?" Pidge asked without answering my question.
  "Because I only have one connection with my dad: Playing the guitar. Now do you want me to play or not?"
  "Go get your guitar, Lance," Allura said. She finally stopped laughing. Even after I did that to Keith she still laughed.
  I ran to my room, got my guitar, which was already tuned, and I also picked up my guitar capo. I then ran back to the dinning hall.
  When I stepped into the dinning hall, Hunk was scolding everyone. The team, including Allura, had their heads bowed.
  "You guys didn't make fun of anyone else's hobbies, so why Lance's?!" I heard Hunk yell.
  "You know, Lance is actually extremely good at the guitar.." Coran added, "I've heard him play."
  Before they could continue their conversation, I walked back in. I sat down, strummed the strings, just to make sure it was in tune, and put the capo on the first fret.
  "I'm gonna start, so you guys better be quiet," I said.

Play the music! Btw, you might want to skip to around 1:10 or so!

  I started the song off slow before getting faster. At one point, at the beginning, I looked up to see my team's shocked faces. I smirked, knowing I surprised them.
  As I was playing, I was moving my body to the beat. My fingers, which had thick calluses from years of pressing down the rough strings, were gliding across the frets. I looked pretty dang impressive, if I do say so myself!
  After about 3 minutes, I finished the song. With a smirk, I looked back up at my team's shocked expressions. Well, Hunk and Coran didn't look surprised; they had the same smirk I did.
  "..My God.." Keith said after a minute.
  "That was impressive.." Pidge added.
  "Like, really impressive.." Shiro added.
  Hunk patted me on the back, "Ya' see? I told you he was good! And you made fun of him!"
  "Good job, my boy!" Coran exclaimed.
  "Thanks!" I said to Hunk and Coran specifically. Call me dramatic, which I am, but I was mad at my team. They didn't even give me a chance of showing them my talent, my passion, before bashing me. And I proved them wrong.
  I turned to face the rest of my team with a cold expression, "Next time, don't bash people before you even give them a chance, 'kay? 'Kay," I said before getting up. After quickly taking the capo off the first fret, I walked to my room and put my guitar up. That guitar is my child, I treat it with extreme care, so I gently placed it on the guitar stand. After making sure it wouldn't fall, I walked back out of my room. I decided to go back into the dinning hall.
  When I walked in, my team was staring at me, "What?" I asked while sitting down.
  "We deeply apologize, Lance; we didn't mean to hurt your feelings.." Allura said.
  "Are you now? Because, before now, you've never apologized to me. I don't think you realize it, but you guys are constantly treating me like crap: yelling at me, calling me names, not letting me speak my mind, et cetera. So, I don't think you really mean your apology. Another lesson: Don't apologize about things if you don't mean it," I said harshly. I'm mad at them. I can handle the names, but I don't tolerate people talking bad about my music.
  "We don't treat you badly!" Keith yelled. Before I could say anything, Hunk intertwined.
  "Really, Keith?" He started in a disappointed tone, "How many times a day do you yell at him during training or a battle? How many times have you said 'Shut up, Lance' today alone? Seriously, I want you to count it."
  They all spent about 10 seconds thinking. All of their faces turned from confusion, to guilty, to regret, and, finally, to sadness.
"O-Oh.." Pidge said after a moment.
  "Lance.. we are sorry.." Shiro added.
  "Hmm.. sure. I'm gonna go to my room. Farewell, fellow paladins."
  I walked out of the dinning hall, once again, and went straight to my room. This should teach them not to treat me like that again, I thought before silently celebrating. Finally, they noticed how crappy they are to me! It took them awhile, but hopefully they won't anymore.

That was a bad ending. Sorry. I suck at endings. And beginnings. And middles. You know what, I just suck at writing XD I hope you liked it though? Check Andrew Foy out on YouTube if you liked the cover he made!! (I don't own any of that music :P) I've tried to learn guitar in the past, actually, but now I'm inspired to try and pick it up again! That's why I learned the ukulele XD it's easier to play than the guitar :P Anyway, Byeeee :3
Word Count: 1309

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