Why won't you talk?

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Idk what this is. It's late, I'm tired, and I can't sleep. Sorry XD

~Lance's POV~

  Keith left for the blade a couple of weeks ago. Since then, I haven't been the same. I don't talk, joke, flirt, and I'm more serious. My team probably hasn't noticed; if they did they aren't talking about it.
  Allura is doing great with Blue though. That's good, I guess. I don't know what's happening to me. I've had depression since I was little, but I think it's getting worse. I should know if it gets worse, right? Well, I don't until it's too late most of the time.
  I've had a crush on Keith since the Garrison, but I doubt he would ever like me back. That's the first time my depression got out of hand. I thought I would be alone forever, die without being married or whatever. I don't even know anymore, it feels like forever ago. Who knows, maybe it was forever ago and space had a weird time frame? Yeah, that also happens when my depression starts getting worse. I think about important useless things. It's, like, things you don't have to worry about it, but it's still important? I doubt that makes sense. Eh, whatever.
  Anyway, I was walking to the dinning hall when everything started. Pidge and Hunk were talking, laughing happily. I wasn't paying attention, I can't really remember. But usually when they have this kind of conversation, all 3 of us are dying of laughter. Maybe that's when Hunk started to realize something was wrong. He didn't bring it up, but he looked at me worriedly before whispering, "You okay, Buddy? You aren't talking a lot."
  "Yeah, everything's good," I responded in a whisper. All he did was nod and continued talking to Pidge. Honestly, I feel like every time someone says they're fine when they're acting weird means that they aren't fine. No one seems to care though. Whatever.
  When Pidge, Hunk, and I got into the dining hall, Allura and Shiro were talking about a new battle strategy. I just walked to get some food goo without talking to them. They too didn't seem to notice. I wish somebody would realize I'm not fine. But they don't. It's not like I would accept it anyway; I would just say I'm fine and shrug them off. Is that being selfish? Do I just crave attention? Hey, at least I'm being honest.
  This same routine lasted for weeks until Keith decided to visit. Each day I would be quiet, secretly begging for someone to notice. No one ever did. When Keith finally arrived, I didn't insult him. I think he caught on when I didn't insult him. I said hi, but that's it.
  "Lance, is something up? You haven't insulted me yet," Keith asked me while chuckling. That's when the rest of the team turned their heads. I saw their faces change from confusion to realization: I haven't flirted, joked, insulted, or really talked to anyone in weeks.
  "Oh uh.. not really, no. I'm good," I replied, but none of them believed it now that they realized something is up.
  "You sure, Buddy? You haven't flirted or joked in awhile. You also aren't really talking anymore," Hunk asked me. The rest of the team nodded and Keith just started at me.
  "Sure," is all I said.
  "Sure?" Shiro questioned.
  "What does that even mean?" Pidge added.
  "It means sure," I shrugged.
  "Sure what? Sure to you're fine?" Allura asked, getting impatient.
  "So you don't have an answer," Keith clarified.
  "Let's sit down and chat," Hunk says after a second. We all nod and sit down on the couch.
  "What's on your mind, Lance?" Shiro asked once we sat down.
  "Nothing, really."
  "What's your current emotion?" Hunk asked me anxiously. He knows I used to have depression, so I'm assuming he wanted to know if it was back.
  "..nothing?" Hunk clarified.
  "I feel numb. No emotion. Empty. Is that all?"
  "...Buddy.. is your depression coming back?" Hunk asked me worriedly. Everyone's gazed shot towards mine.
  "It never went away."
  "W..What?" Keith said out of no where.
  "I have depression. Back on Earth Hunk figured out, but I made him promise not to tell anyone. I don't want to be treated differently because of it. Are we done now?" I started to get impatient.
  "Buddy, Keith just got here. We should do a bonding exercise!" Hunk tried to reason.
  I sighed before agreeing and following everyone to the training room.
  "Okay everyone," Coran started, "this exercise is going to show the worst and best times of our lives so far!"
  ~Time Skip to Lance's Cause I Don't Know What to do for Theirs :3~

  I put the machine around my head, and I soon saw my dad with a beer bottle in his hand. Guess it's starting with worst, huh?
  "You worthless piece of crap! Can you do anything right?! I ask for one beer and you get me the wrong one!" My father screamed before throwing the bottle at me. I just stood there and took it, knowing that if I did anything it would upset him even more. He started punching and kicking me. By the end of my dad's wrath, I was laying in a pool of my own blood on the brink of passing out.
  Then, the memory faded into a new one. The scenery was a hospital room. I was in the waiting room, and little 5 year old Lance was bouncing in his seat from excitement. A moment later, my dad walked out. This was before my mom died and he turned into a drunk jerk. My father had a huge smile on his face, "Lancey, would you like to meet your little sister?" He asked me. I started nodding my head so fast I thought it would fall off. My father chuckled, held out his hand, and smiled down at me warmly. Oh, how I miss my old father. Little me took his hand and started jumping around the room, "Papa, what's she like? Can she talk yet? When will I be able to play with her?" I asked him excitedly. My father just chuckled and continued walking without answering my questions. When my dad and I finally got to the room, doctors were rushing in and out. I heard my mothers cries, so my dad let go of my hand and ran to the closest doctor, "Sir, what happened? Is everything okay?!" 
  "Are you the father?" The doctor asked.
  "Yes. Is everything okay?" My dad asked anxiously.
  "Sir, I'm sorry to say this, but your daughter passed away from lung failure. We couldn't save her."
  My father ran in the room to my crying mother and hugged her. Then, the memory faded again..
  This time, I saw the scenery of the Garrison. I saw past me becoming a fighter pilot. Wow, was that really my happiest memory..?
  Then, I saw light and the faces of my teammates. The machine was being taken off my head. I didn't say a word to my teammates. I just left the room to their calling.
  "Lance, why won't you talk?!" Keith called after me on the verge of tears.
  I turned and looked at him, "What's there to talk about when you've already seen everything?" I asked and walked to my room.

Idk what that was. I'm tired. I had a huge test today. I can't sleep. I just wanted to write something XD hope you liked whatever that was
Word count: 1264

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