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Modern AU (Lance and Keith are married with an adoptive daughter)

~Lance's POV~

  I got off of work early today; Keith and I wanted to do something with Laura.
  I shouldn't have gotten off early..
  I was walking home, I don't own a car, when someone wearing all black, including a ski mask, jumped me.
  "Give me your money!" They whisper-yelled in a rough voice.
  Panic ran through my veins, but I still answered confidently, "No."
  "Give.. me your money!" They whisper-yelled again.
  "I said no!"
  They, obviously, got upset; the knife, that they were already holding out, was plunged into my lower abdomen. After a minute, they staggered back.
  "I-I.." Before they could finish their sentence, they ran off. My legs gave out shortly after they left.
  My hands were shaking terribly, but I managed to get my phone out of my pocket. I decided to text 911; I desperately wanted to call Keith. After explaining the situation through text, I called my husband.
  "Lance! Where are you! You said you would be home early, is everything okay?" He whispered into the phone. In the background I heard Laura, our 4 year old daughter, jumping on the furniture, yelling in excitement. I smiled before answering.
  "S-Sorry, Love.. something came up.." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering; I don't want him to worry about me.
  "Lance..? Is everything okay?" Keith asked, panic slightly visible in his voice.
  "..Don't w-worry about it, Love.."
  "Lance?!" He started to get a little louder, "Is everything okay?!"
  I took a deep breath, causing me to cough loudly onto my other hand. When I looked down, blood was covering my skin.
  "Lance?! What's going on?!" Keith asked. I heard him telling Laura something, "Laura, sweetie, please quiet down.. I'm on the phone with Papa.."
  I heard Laura yell, "WHEN PAPA GONA BE 'OME?"
  "I-I don't know, sweetie.." He said to her before turning his attention back to me.
  "Lance, is everything okay?" He asked, his voice overflowing with concern.
  "Y-Yeah.. Keith, I love you.. so, so much.."
  "I love you too, Lance.."
  "Tell Laura I love her too, o-okay?" I whispered. My strength was draining quickly. Faintly, I heard the ambulance coming, but I don't think they'll make it in time.
  "I w-will.."
  The sirens from the ambulance was getting louder; Keith could hear it now, "L-Lance? Is that an ambulance?" He asked. Fear, panic, and worry was laced into his voice.
  "Y-Yup.." I was going to say something else, but I coughed violently again. My hand covered my mouth as blood seeped through my fingers.
  It was difficult to keep my eyes open at this point. My voice was getting weaker, and my strength was receding every second, but I still whispered, "I love you both.. m-more than anything i-in this w-world.." Tears started to flow down my cheeks, mixing with my coughed up blood.
  "We love you too, Lance!" Keith yelled into the phone. I could practically hear the tears running down his pale cheeks. Laura started to get worried, I could hear it.
  Paramedics started to rush towards me, "Sir! Keep your eyes open; everything will be fine!" I heard a female yell to me. Keith was sobbing loudly into the phone; the phone that I dropped. I could no longer keep my hands up, my strength was almost completely and utterly gone.
  "Sir! You have to keep your eyes open; you have a family! Think of them. Think of how you want to hold your significant other in your arms! Don't let that thought go!" The same female yelled. I smiled at the thought of Keith and I hugging Laura, watching Elf on Christmas Eve. The thought of Keith and I cuddling before we adopted Laura.
  "Keith.." I whispered.
  "Keep thinking of Keith!" She yelled. The paramedics were putting me on a stretcher while apply pressure to my wound.
  "Laura.." I whispered.
  "Is that your daughter?" The paramedic asked. I weakly nodded with a faint smile on my lips.
  "Keep thinking of your daughter! You will see her again.. We will do everything in our power to let you see them again.." She whispered in my ear. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her pick up my phone. The paramedics were loading me into the ambulance. The girl sat by me.
  "Is this your phone?" She whispered to me. Keith was sobbing on the phone, calling my name. I faintly heard Laura crying; Keith was trying his best to comfort her.
  I nodded weakly. My eyes could nearly stay open. She put my phone next to my ear after whispering something into it.
  "L-Lance?" Keith cried.
  "Hm..?" I faintly hummed.
  "Y-You'll be okay.. You g-gotta be.. Laura and I are on our way, okay? We'll see you soon.."
  I weakly nodded. The female paramedic whispered into the phone, "Talk about good memories.."
  The ambulance was speeding down the road, the sirens blaring.
  "R-Remember last Christmas? How we watched Elf with Laura, cuddling on the couch, laughing.. R-Remember how your cried at the end because you love the movie so much?" I heard him chuckle sadly before continuing, "Remember our first date? H-How you planned a little picnic? A-And a-after we ate, w-we d-danced in a f-field? And h-how there w-wasn't any m-music?" I chuckled weakly at the memory. My eyes started to close, but the slowly opened again when the girl yelled.
  "Sir! We're almost there, okay? Keep your eyes open!"
  "T-Tired.." I whispered. Keith started crying louder. The paramedic started to rub circles into my open palm, even though it was covered in my blood.
  "It'll be okay, sir.."
  I felt the ambulance stop suddenly, followed by multiple people rushing in. The paramedic grabbed my phone and said something to Keith as I was wheeled away. No longer could I keep my eyes open.. I slowly closed my eyes, thinking about all the good memories I've had with Keith.

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