Why Would You Do This To Me?!

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Modern AU!
Tw: Cussing

~Lance's POV~

Today is Keith and I's 3 year anniversary! I carefully got out of bed at around 8:30 am, trying not to wake Keith up. I want today to be perfect! Quickly, I wrote a note:

Hey Keith!
Happy 3 year anniversary! Don't worry, I'll be back soon; I'm just getting some last minute things. I'll probably be back around 12!

I carefully placed the note down on Keith's bedside table. Softly, I kissed Keith's forehead, and walked out of the apartment we share.
I had a whole plan: Go to a ring store, pick out a perfect ring he would love, go get chocolates, flowers, and a nice lunch! And so I did just that.
All my tasks took longer than expected, so I got back to our apartment around 1:00 pm.
"Babe, I'm home! Sorry I took so long!!" I yelled, placing the stuff on the counter. But I then heard.. 2 voices talking in panicked expressions. My stomach dropped; fear and nerves took over my body. Hurriedly, I walked into our shared room. I was faced with a horrifying sight: Keith, only in his boxers, in bed with another male.
I gasped loudly, my hands covering my mouth.
"Lance! It's not what it looks like!" He yelled, getting up.
I started stepping backwards, "No.. Why..?" I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks, "Why?!" I yelled.
"L-Lance-" He started, but I cut him off.
"It's our anniversary! I went out, got things to surprise you, and I'm faced with.. this?! Why couldn't you just break up with me first?! Did I do something wrong?!" I cried. The other male was hiding in the covers, only his head visible. I dug in my pocket and fished out the big, bulky ring box I bought for him.
I opened the box and stared at it, "I was gonna propose to you today.." I cried, throwing the ring box across the room.
His eyes widened in shock, "Lance, no, it's not what it looks like!"
"Then what is it?! If you wanted someone else you could have broken up with me first! If we had a problem, which I didn't think we did, you could have talked to me! Why would you do this to me?! Was I not enough for you?! ..Did I do something wrong?" I asked the last part with a broken voice. My entire life felt like it was crumbling. Keith is my life; I love him so much, and he's cheating on me..?
"Lance, it's a prank!" He yelled, pulling the blankets off the male, "See? He's still wearing clothes!" The man was fully dressed, wearing jeans, a flannel, and black tennis shoes, "A-And there's a camera right there, see?" He said in a panicked voice, pointing to his nightstand; I didn't even bother to look around the room. Anger filled my veins.
"YOU JERK!" I yelled, more tears running down my cheeks, "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT ON OUR ANNIVERSARY?!"
Keith looked mortified. In 3 years, he's only seen me cry once. That was during a movie, too. He stepped forward quickly, engulfing me in a hug.
"I'm sorry! I didn't think it would affect you this much.." He apologized, his voice wavering.
"What did you think I would do?! Join you in bed?!" I responded, trying to get out of his grip. I'm mad at him!
"No, but I didn't think you would start crying; you never cry! Plus, I didn't think you were gonna propose today!" He said, holding me tighter. The other man awkwardly shuffled out of the room.
"Who even was that?!"
"My friend, Mike; I know him from work. Lance, I promise nothing happened!"
"I know nothing happened," I yelled, finally getting out of his grip, "but that doesn't mean I'm not mad! I went all out for you today, damn it, and I was so damn terrified you cheated on me!" He tried to hug me again, but I escaped his arms, "No; Keith, you can't just do that and only say sorry! I seriously thought you did something; I have every damn right to be mad!" I said, lowering my voice; I didn't want to disturb the neighbors anymore. I wiped my tears, turned around, and walked back into the kitchen.
"What're you doing?!" He asked, panicked.
"I'm eating the chocolate I bought you," I said, grabbing the chocolate and walking to the bathroom.
"Why in the bathroom?"
"Because this is the only place in this damned apartment I can be alone!" I responded, slamming the door, and locking it.
I slid down the door, putting the chocolate on the floor. Maybe I was too hard on him.. I thought, making me cry more. Damn it.. I ruined the proposal too. Why couldn't I just keep the ring in my pocket?!
After a minute of me just sitting in my self pity, Keith knocked, "Lance? Baby?" He only calls me 'Baby' when he feels guilty, if I'm mad at him, or if I'm hurt.
I ignored him.
"..Are you still mad at me?" He asked.
"What do you think, dumb ass?!" I yelled with a shaky voice.
"I said sorry!" He yelled through the door.
"I don't care! I'm still mad at you! You can't just make me think you cheated, say sorry, and expect me to immediately forgive you, jackass!" I yelled back, my voice becoming more unstable.
"Why are you cussing so much?" He asked, his voice quieting down.
"Because I'm upset, jerk!" I cried.
"Lance, I'm so sorry! I didn't think you would get this upset; I thought you immediately would see the camera.." He begged. I heard him sit against the door.
My voice was getting more unstable from.. I don't really know. It's a mixture of emotions, I guess, "I-I saw you in bed with s-someone else; sorry I d-didn't think to l-look around the r-room immediately!" I replied sarcastically.
"Lance, just let me in.. please?" He asked, slightly begging.
"I d-don't want to s-see you right n-now!" I called throughout the door. Hearing his voice made me upset, for reasons unknown to me, so I was crying quite a bit; I was almost sobbing at this point.
I heard him sigh, get up, and walk back to the kitchen. With shaky hands, I grabbed the chocolate I bought him and began to eat. I haven't eaten anything all day, so I was starving.
I continued to sit in the bathroom almost all afternoon. After about 3 hours, so around 4:00, I heard Keith talking to someone on the phone, "Hey Shiro.." He said to his brother in a sad voice. I put my ear against the door in attempts to hear him better, "Well.. Lance kinda locked himself in the bathroom.."
I then heard Shiro's booming voice, "Why?! It's your anniversary, isn't it?!"
"I-I.. messed up, Shiro.. I pranked him, making him believe I cheated on him. Now he's so upset he won't come out of the bathroom. After h-he saw me, he pulled out a r-ring box, and yelled that he was gonna p-propose to me today.. I don't know w-what to do, Shiro.." He said. I could tell he was close to tears, his voice was shaking, and it just sounded different.
I couldn't hear what Shiro said. Whatever he said, however, Keith responded with, "I don't want to leave him here alone, though.. W-What if he leaves?"
Again, I couldn't hear what Shiro responded with, "That.. might work!" Keith exclaimed, "Thanks Shiro, talk to ya later!" I heard Keith get the keys and walk back up to the door, "Hey Lance..? I'm gonna go get something real quick, okay? I'll be back soon!" He called through the door. I didn't say anything; I know I'm being extremely childish, but I'm mad! He simply sighed, walked away from the door, and walked out of the apartment.
After about 5 minutes, I stood up. I'm so damn hungry! I quickly walked into the kitchen, got a bag of goldfish, walked back to the bathroom, and locked the door again. I started to eat, and, after 15 minutes, I ate the entire bag. Afterwards, I tiredly laid my head on the floor and drifted into a peaceful slumber.

I woke up to someone banging on the door, calling my name, "Lance! Are you okay?!" They called. It was Keith. Groggily, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"What..?" I responded in a tired voice.
He let out a sigh of relief, "I've been calling you for, like, 10 minutes.." He said, banging his head on the door.
I felt guilty, "Sorry.. I was taking a nap.."
He chuckled, "At least you're talking to me.." He responded.
"..You damn jerk.." I whispered, feeling emotional again. Why am I this emotional over a stupid prank?!
"I know.. I'm sorry for being such a jerk today, but I did something in hopes of making it up to you?" He responded.
I sighed, rubbing my eyes on my sleeve, and got up. I looked at myself in the mirror, and, needless to say, I was a mess. My brown hair was sticking up, I had red cheeks, and my eyes were bloodshot. Bags were starting to form under my eyes, for some reason. Maybe it was because I've been crying without washing my face? I honestly don't know. Hesitantly, I unlocked the door and opened it. Keith was standing there, staring at me, guilt written all over his face.
"You look like shit.." He said, putting a hand on my cheek.
I rolled my eyes, "Gee, thanks!" I replied sarcastically.
"Sorry!" He quickly said. He then grabbed my hand, removing his own from my cheek, and led me to our small living room.
I gaped in surprise. Rose petals were covering the floor, forming a heart. Flowers, including the ones I bought him, were in vases on the coffee table. More chocolate was displayed on plates, also placed on the coffee table. The best thing, however, were the walls. Keith hung up all the pictures we've taken together in the last 3 years in chronological order. Then, at the end, was a pretty good illustration of what happened today; only, it had a picture of.. Keith proposing..?
I turned around, ready to ask him about it. Only, he was on one knee, holding out the ring I bought and one he bought. He was also holding a singular rose. I covered my mouth with both hands in surprise.
"I know I messed up, but I, actually, was also going to ask you to marry me today, Lance.. so, would you do me the honors of being my husband, making me the happiest man alive?" Keith asked in a nervous voice. Tears of happiness formed in my eyes. Only then did I notice his attire: A black tux, a red undershirt, and red roses in his coat pocket.
Single tears started to fall, slowly dripping down my cheeks, chin, and finally dropping on the rose filled floor. Knowing my voice wouldn't cooperate, I nodded my head 'yes,' my hands still covering my mouth.
Keith smiled, stood up, grabbed my left hand, and tenderly placed the ring on my ring finger. I took the ring I bought earlier and placed it on his left ring finger, as well.
He placed his hands on my cheeks, wiping away my fallen tears. After he finished, however, he just kept them there. We both started to lean forward, and, eventually, our lips met. The kiss was long and passionate; all of our emotions were spilled into it. My anger that was previously there just.. disappeared.
After a minute, we pulled away with flushed cheeks. We stood in a comfortable silence for awhile.
"So I guess you're not mad at me anymore..?" Keith asked, pecking my nose.
"Shut up.." I grumbled, hugging his upper torso, burying my face in his chest.
"I love you, Lance.." He whispered into my ear, wrapping his arms around my lower torso.
"I love you, too.." I whispered into his chest. Again, the air was filled with comfortable silence, but my stomach growled loudly after awhile.
Keith laughed, "Wanna order takeout and we can go to dinner tomorrow?" He asked.
I looked up at him, smiling, "You know it!" I responded, pecked him on the lips, and got the menu for our favorite takeout place.
On the counter, I saw Keith's camera, "Did you seriously record everything?" I asked, facing him.
"Yup. We can look back on this in the future and laugh!" He responded, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
I laughed, turned my head, and pecked his lips.

Idk how I feel about this. Ehhh
Word Count: 2153

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