The Others

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Miriam graduated South Western High, going on to Harvard. In 2023, she graduated with a Master's Degree in writing and the English language. She became a professor and teaches at Ivy League Universities. She never married but adopted a young 13-year-old girl names Ema.

Michelle moved to California with her/his fathers. In 2025, s/he started their own pet hotel.

Lexi and Elle kept in touch with Alyssa and formed a contract to found the Anti- In.

Auder became a multi-million director and directed more than 2 thousand films, including The Winds We Hear, Knighting the Commoner and Darkness Rises.

Bianca became a police officer, taking over the Joshua Pierce case. In 2037, she was shot in the left breast during an armed robbery. She survived, the bullet narrowly missing her heart.

Sammy graduated from an Ivy League University, it is unknown which, and became a doctor. Currently, s/he is working on a cure for breast cancer. S/he is close to a cure, just searching for the last thing to cure it.

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