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This is a flash back



"Joey! Joey!" Cheyenne laughed, watching as her baby brother followed her through the large house. "Cheyenne! Stop taunting me!" he whined, swerving to the left as a wall crashed between them. Cheyenne giggled, her brother cupping his nose. Cheyenne stop laughing, inching out. Joshua was holding his nose, eyes closed tightly. That's when she saw the blood.

"Joey! I'm so sorry! I'll get you some ice!" she hurried to the kitchen, searching the freezer to find ice. None. "Shit, shit, shit. Where's the ice?" she asked no one in particular.

"Looking for this?"

Cheyenne turned, facing her older brother. "Yes," she breathed, taking the pack to Joshua. Rye whistled for Dave and followed his tiny copies. "What happened? Yikes, that had to hurt!" Dave stuck his head in from the next room. Everyone gave him a pointed look. Cheyenne rolled her eyes, prying Joshua's hand away from his nose. Dropping the pack in his hand, she nodded. Joshua put the pack back to his nose, wincing at the sudden cold.

"Kids! We're home!" the Pierce children exchanged looks, debating who was going to tell Mum. 'Not it!' Dave and Rye mouthed, dashing upstairs. Cheyenne shook her head. 'I'll do it.' she mouthed. She turned, nearly walking into her mother. "Mummy! Welcome back!" she smiled, hugging her mum and pecking her step-dad's cheek.

"What happened to Joshua?!" her mother asked, pushing past her to tend to the injured child. Cheyenne was used to this, being the baby of the family for 5 years meant getting fused over after every little bruise. Joshua didn't like it. "Mum, I'm fine! It was an accident! Mum!" he groaned, pushing away his mother's slim hand. "Baby, I understand how you feel, but still. Cheyenne, get your brothers down here." her mother snapped. Cheyenne nodded, racing upstairs.

"Rye! Dave! Mum wants us!" she yelled, racing back down before they crushed her. "Yes mum?" they asked, standing at the end of the stairs. Mrs Peirce looked just like Joshua and Cheyenne, minus the fact she has blue eyes and they have green. "Boys, Cheyenne, you're all going to a new school." they started to protest, silencing when Mrs Peirce raised her hand.

"For good reason. You're going to Liberty High School." that really got them protesting.

"But Mum! We're perfectly fine at Smithon!" they yelled. "Quiet!" Mr Peirce snapped. They listened, not daring to disobey him. Sure, their mother was scary, but their step-father was a completely different story. They all had some type of scar from him.

"Now. As I was saying, you're going to Liberty High because it's closer to home and to your father's house." That was got them excited. They started asking when they would go there. "Next week, actually." They scrambled up the stairs, determined to make a good first impression.

"Hey, Chey? A little help?" Cheyenne turned, seeing that Joshua's sweater had gotten caught in a nail that stuck out. Smiling, she got him unstuck and the two of them raced upstairs.


"Check out the new kids! They look rich!"

"Well, if they're so rich, why do they look like they just came from a boot camp?"

Cheyenne grinned, sneaking up behind a girl with curly auburn hair and a leather jacket. "Boo!" she shouted, jumping on the girl's back. "Wha-Cheyenne!" she yelled, regaining her balance. Joshua sighed, watching as the rest of his siblings made friends.

"Hey, are you lost? I'm Bailey, who are you?" a taller boy asked him. Joshua smiled a little, a blush painting itself on his cheeks. "I'm Joshua." Bailey grinned, messing with his hair. "Well, Joey. Welcome to Liberty!" Joshua smiled.

Not too bad for a new school, Cheyenne and Joshua thought as they found friends.

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