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Lottie was not happy with the way her team had been acting toward her girlfriend. Sure, they didn't know that Alyssa was hers, but still, they had no right to treat her like that! Lottie muttered this under her breath as she walked toward the field. There, she saw Kevin Trudeau tackling one of the cheerleaders. Lottie scanned the bleachers, watching Alyssa's eyes. Alyssa waved at her. Lottie winked at Alyssa , small and not very noticeable, but still full of love. "Yo Lot! Come on!" Kevin said, passing her the ball. Lottie caught it easily. Nila Faria, a cheerleader, snickered when Lottie threw the ball back to Kevin.

"Strange, they aren't soulmates!" Nila giggled to a football player. The player shook his head. "Nah, Lottie got a music note before meeting him. He don't match." The player replied. Lottie loved how clueless they were. She smiled to herself.

The practice was going great, up until someone decided to make the cheerleader pyramid. With someone from the bleachers. And only Alyssa and Loi, a guy, were in the bleachers. So, of course, the cheerleaders grab the only girl in the bleachers. Lottie and the rest of the team gather around for the show. Lottie was there catch Alyssa of she fell. The rest of the guys were there to see the new girl get embarrassed when she landed on a random guy. It showed that if the girl had a tattoo like the guy, they were soulmates. Alyssa struggled to stand up straight, the team found this hilarious and don't bother to help. Lottie grit her teeth.

"Looks like the little starfish can't fly!" Annie Gough, a fellow female football player, laughed as Alyssa lost her balance. She tumbled down, right into Lottie's arms. Lottie gave her a small smile, but Alyssa had her face in her hands. The team stared at them, mouths ajar. Lottie rolled her eyes as Kevin tried in vain to hide his anger.

Alyssa is a beautiful girl, Kevin wanted her. The two showed no signs of being soulmates, and Lottie knew why, so he tried in vain to show her how much he loved her.

"Hey, Alyssa, open your eyes" Lottie said, trying to make it look like they weren't dating. Alyssa shook her head, clearly enjoying the attention that was on Lottie. "Lottie gots a girlfriend!" Annie sang childishly. Lottie turned red. "I do not! I-I was merely helping her!" Lottie stuttered out. Annie gave a sly grin. She loved teasing Lottie for how easily she got flustered.

"Sure you did." Annie replied, crossing her arms, the grin still there. Lottie put Alyssa down and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Thanks" Alyssa told her quietly, walking back to the bleachers. Annie let her grin fade. "You ever do something like that again, and I will throw you like a football. She gots you all blushing like a girly girl!" Annie said, a playful smile on her lips now. "Shut up, you'd do that too, if you were as embarrassed as I was!" Lottie shot back, laughing. "Alright! We still gots a good 10 minutes of practice! Leave the teasing for after the game tonight." Nila giggled. Everyone groaned. That night, they'd be playing their biggest reviles, the Eagles. "Go Dragons!" Loi shouted, earning cheers. If only they knew he was trans, Lottie thought, that would be interesting. She sighed.

"Are you alright?" She asked Alyssa when the practice was done. "I'm fine, Lottie!" Alyssa replied, smiling. Lottie returned the smile. "I will fuck them up if they hurt you." She said, sternly yet playfully. Alyssa pouted, "Leave one for me, okay?" Lottie gave in. "Fine, I will." She told her. Alyssa pecked her cheek then skipped off. Lottie smiled to herself.

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