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"So," Alyssa began, only to be cut off by paper aeroplane slamming into her arms. All her books fell, and cheers arose from the class.

"Serves her right! Faggots need to learn, this is our school!" A jock shouted, replied with dozens of cheers. Cheyenne stiffened a curse. She knelt down and helped Alyssa gather her things, then both went to their seats.

The same jock that had spoken earlier had come over, grabbed Alyssa's wrist and pulled her to the front of the class.

"What ya gonna do now, without your little girlfriend to protect you?" A cheerleader sneered, kicking Alyssa. Others began to join in the fun. Cheyenne got up and ran over to Alyssa, stepping in front of her to prevent one of the drama club members from punching her. "Don't touch her!" Cheyenne growled, taking the punch herself, her jaw beginning to pulse faintly.

"No fair! She still has a bodyguard!" The drama member whined.

Brittany, one of the mean girls, snatched up Cheyenne's arm and looked it over. Her eyes narrowed.

"Gay faggot! You're Dai's soulmate!" She spat. Cheyenne was taken back. She had never, ever, been called anyone's soulmate, much less Dai's! Cheyenne flinched away. Brittany glared at her. "She's who's soulmate?" A boy from band asked. Cheyenne blushed darkly when she realized that the voice belonged to Nicholas Garanin. "She's Dai Parker's soulmate, you faggot!" The drama member shouted. Cheyenne ran out of the class, down the hall and into the art room. Locking the door after her, she grabbed out her pen, and began drawing a complex landscape of what had happened earlier in the school. She drew each stroke lightly, as if it could break if dropped. If Dai really was her soulmate, this would prove it once and for all.

Once satisfied with the outline, Cheyenne began to darken the figures with a Sharpie marker. When that was finished, she pulled out her self-shading markers and began coloring each part of the masterpiece in. After the whole thing was finished, Cheyenne looked at her work. Quickly, she placed everything away, stood up and opened the door. Alyssa stood there, her jacket shred to bits and her lip busted. Lottie was gonna kill somebody. Cheyenne swiftly yanked Alyssa into the art room with her, slamming the door shut behind her.

"What happened?!" She practically screamed. Alyssa huddled in a corner, hugging her shoulders tightly, tears flowing silently down her cheeks. Cheyenne understood what needed to be done. She grabbed a Sharpie from her bag, wrote a quick message on Alyssa's wrist, telling Lottie where they were and what the problem was. She barely had time to finish the sentence before banging was heard at the door. "Who's there?" Cheyenne asked, both scared and angry.

"Let me in!" Lottie's voice snapped back, full of angry hatred. Cheyenne opened the door and Lottie ran past her, enveloping Alyssa's body in a giant hug. Cheyenne shut the door after Joshua came in, giving a nod of thanks to her. Alyssa was bawling her eyes out into Lottie's shoulder, while Lottie murmured words of comfort. After Alyssa had calm down some, she managed to tell them what had happened earlier. Alyssa had been jumped by the cheerleaders, who slammed her into lockers and pinned her down for some of the football team to use as a target for practice. Lottie was enraged. She got up, opened the door, and stormed down the hall. Shrieks and screams were heard. It was safe to think that Lottie was not a happy camper. When she came back, Lottie had a new bruise, and a few bumps. Joshua growled after the whole thing was finished. "They'll pay for this." He mumbled to himself. Lottie nodded. "So, what's all this gossip about you being Dai Parker's soulmate?" Joshua asked, messing with the keychain. Cheyenne shrugged in response, not showing them the landscape just yet.

Now, she thought, I wait.

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