Heart Stealer

474 7 0

Author / deuxoiseaux
Word Count / 18.4K

January 13, 2016
Hoseok blinks gritty eyes and reaches out for his coffee, only to find that it's long since gone. He stares at the shallow crescent of dark liquid in the bottom of the paper cup for several seconds with a mounting sense of uncomprehending betrayal, before setting the cup aside in disgust.

It's too late to be awake, he decides, scrubbing his hands over his face. Or perhaps too early, he amends, tilting his wrist to glance at the time on his watch. It's twenty-five past four in the morning, and the words of Hoseok's notes are swimming in front of his exhausted eyes. He's not going to manage any more studying tonight.

He hears strange snuffling noise close by and lifts his head to look beyond the boundary of books and notebooks and pens stacked to the very edge of his table to the person passed out at the table opposite. It takes him a moment to place the other man, all messy blond hair and pale skin, but as he shifts into a more comfortable position on the textbook he's using as a pillow, Hoseok recognizes him: Min Yoongi, an upperclassman from his music history class.

Hoseok blinks, considering for a moment. He doesn't know Yoongi well — aside from a group project they worked on together at the start of term, they've hardly spoken much more than a polite 'hello' to each other in passing. Yoongi usually sits in the back of the classroom near the door, while Hoseok prefers a seat somewhere in the middle. Somehow they often seem to sit in the same general area of the library to work and study, despite that.

Resting his chin in his hand, Hoseok sighs. Yoongi's rather attractive, his face gentled and open as he sleeps. Hoseok remembers when they were working together on that project, Yoongi spoke the least in their group, but when he did speak, he was very blunt. If he didn't like you or your ideas, you would know. At the time, Hoseok found it refreshing. Looking at Yoongi now, he wonders why they didn't keep talking.

It slowly starts to dawn on Hoseok, the longer he watches Yoongi, that the older man is shivering. He's only wearing a thin navy blue long sleeved t-shirt with no coat in sight; Hoseok has no idea when Yoongi came to the library, but the heat has been turned down and it's gotten quite cold. He glances towards the bank of windows over his shoulder. Is it... is it snowing outside?

Another glance at his watch makes Hoseok sigh. It's closer to half past now; he really ought to go home and catch at least a couple hours of sleep before his movement analysis class at eight. Flipping his books closed, he begins to pack everything into his backpack. He slings his backpack over his shoulder, and his hand clenches around his coat draped over the back of his chair.

At the table opposite, Min Yoongi sleeps on, oblivious. Hoseok chews his bottom lip. Yoongi's still shivering, and Hoseok is wearing a warm, fleecy hoodie. His apartment is only a twenty minute walk from the library. Oh, fuck it, Hoseok thinks, walking over to Yoongi's table and carefully draping the down-filled coat over Yoongi's shoulders. Yoongi doesn't stir. He's out — he's even drooling a little bit on his engineering textbook.

Cute, Hoseok thinks, smiling a little. He rips a blank piece of paper from one of Yoongi's notebooks and scribbles out a quick note that he folds up and sticks into his coat pocket. "Sweet dreams, hyung," he whispers.


January 13, 2016
Yoongi wakes with a start, sitting upright and whirling around so fast for the source of the noise that he gets a cramp in his neck. Hissing through his teeth and rubbing at the spot until the sharp pain subsides, Yoongi directs a glare at the freshman who knocked the stack of books off a table with his elbow. The freshman actually yelps and ducks behind the table to hide.

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