Boys Next Door Arent Always Quiet

357 8 0

Author/ sunriseyoongi
Word Count/ 5.1K

There were quite a few undeniable facts about Min Yoongi.

Fact n.1: Min Yoongi had very little patience when it came to his work.

He liked to think he was patient in every other aspect of his life, but when he was working on something everyone was well aware not to interrupt him because he was going to eat them alive, no questions asked.

Fact n.2: Min Yoongi was extremely, utterly, incredibly, mad. He was furious.

The loud music had been going on for the entire afternoon and himself, being a music and sound production major, felt like he shouldn't have worried much about it. He really should have been okay, it wasn't extremely loud and it was a genre he liked and he always had his earphones to deal with it.

But. There was a big, giant, but.

He had been working on his final project for the term and god knew how much Yoongi valued silence and calm when it came to that. Or most things, really. So there was the loud music, and that was a thing that was bothering him to no end. But just to make things worse, the music was accompanied by loud drilling, and thumping, and breaking, and hadn't Yoongi known any better he would have thought that the apocalypse was taking place in the apartment next door to his.

Because that was the thing, Yoongi did know better, he knew who lived next door and he knew that he had only two ways of dealing with it, one of them being not dealing with it.

So, fact n. 3: Min Yoongi hated Jung Hoseok.

Jung Hoseok, the fine art major that didn't let him sleep on most nights because of how loud he liked to play his music and because he just couldn't work on his weird-ass sculptures in the studio at the university, like normal people did.

No, Jung Hoseok had to work in his apartment, he had to bring his work home because he was just oh-so-passionate about it and it irked Yoongi to no end. He had tried to argue with him, he had tried nice confrontations, he had tried not-so nice confrontations, he had complained to the apartment block's administrator but Hoseok was the lady's nephew and that made Yoongi find out that nepotism was still a thing. Which, incidentally, almost made him lose his own apartment.  So, Yoongi had tried every civil way to deal with the problem. But Jung Hoseok was persistent, and stubborn, and arrogant, and hot.

Wait no, scratch that. He was like, mildly attractive.

Okay, he was hot. But that wasn't the point.

The point was, Min Yoongi had ran out of ways to deal with the problem, but he had no new solutions, so, logically, he was now standing in front of Hoseok's door with his index stubbornly pressed on the doorbell, his other hand knocking vehemently on the wood, and blood boiling so much in his veins that he could have cooked pasta in it. (And probably served it to Hoseok because it was gross enough and he was just starting to think about possible ways of poisoning the guy.)

"Oh." Hoseok's deadpan voice said when the door finally opened and Yoongi was staring up at him with his deadliest glare– why the fuck did he have to be taller than him anyway? "It's you again."

Yoongi didn't spare a second glance at Hoseok, though, as he used his strength to push past him and enter the boy's apartment.

"What the f–" Hoseok muttered, but it was too late.

Yoongi had marched further and found himself standing on plastic sheets that had been laid out all over the floor, together with newspaper pages, paint, worker's tools– he spotted a drill and suppressed the urge of smashing it with the hammer laying next to it– , and a weird wooden construction in the middle of it all.

He stared at the composition for a second, then spotted a bluetooth speaker on a table and grabbed it. He heard the door slam closed and steps coming after him, but he didn't care. Yoongi's hands had already found its way around the speaker and pressed the power button. The speaker turned off with a small monotone melody and then went quiet, at last–

-ˏˋ YOONSEOK | FAVORITES ˎˊ-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن