Color Ring

263 7 0

Author/ jisoos
Word Count/ 1.1K

Hoseok remembers the first time his hair changed color. He remembered looking in the mirror and being thankful it was at least a natural color. And anyway, he thought he looked quite good with black hair.

The second time was a few months later, and the change was much less subtle than the first. The light caramel color had taken him by surprise – but again – he thought it suited him. And besides, he figured it was time for a change.

He was a little disappointed the next time his hair changed, as it was back to a natural soft brown. He wondered if his soulmate had changed the color because of a serious life event. Maybe a graduation or an important job interview. More than anything, he tried to picture what kind of person his soulmate was and how they looked in these hair colors.

The fourth time his hair changed, his mother was the first to tell him about it. He passed her in the hall on his way to bathroom, and she had gasped and told him to look in the mirror. A dark and prominent red greeted him, and he felt his entire body flush at the sight.

It wasn't that he looked horrible in it. It fit him pretty well. But it had been the morning and of his graduation, and now he would have picture of him in his school uniform and bright red hair.

After the initial shock wore off, he grew used to the stand out color. He enjoyed the difference from the previous natural colors, and actually found himself fond of how it looked on him. So far, his soulmate's choices had suited him just fine, and he was glad they had good taste.

But he wished he had held his tongue, because the next color almost made him pass out.

The first thing Hoeseok saw when he looked in the mirror was cotton candy – and he thought, "that can't be right". He had to have been dreaming, because there was no way his hair was pink. But as much as he rubbed his eyes and pinched his cheeks, the color remained the same.

Seokjin doubled over laughing when he saw it; to which he reminded him of the rainbow highlights only months prior.

"Well where are you going?" Seokjin had asked after the laughter died down.

"To the convenience store for hair dye. I can't walk around like this!"

"Well let's hope your soulmate isn't stubborn."

Unfortunately for Hoseok, they definitely were.

Each time he would dye his hair, he would wake to the same pastel pink.

He even tried reaching a compromise with his soulmate; dying his hair back to the previous nice red that they shared.

But his soulmate had been resolute in his decision. And Hoseok never being one to argue had given up after two weeks. Pink it was.

And pink it remained for months. Hoseok swore his soulmate was doing it out of spite. He had never held a color this long before. It had always changed back and forth, varying every couple of months. But the pink seemed like it was here to stay for the long haul.

That was until the blonde came along, and Hoseok suddenly wished for the pink to come back.

There were a lot of colors that suited Hoseok. Platinum blonde was not one of them. With his tan skintone, it made him look cheap. And he wished that his soulmate could find him and see just how truly ridiculous he looked. Maybe then he could have some sympathy and let Hoseok pick the color this time.

He knew any changes would only be in vain, so instead Hoseok chose on widening his hat collection. Snapbacks and beanies became his best friend. And he hoped that his soulmate wasn't bald by the time he finally met them.

The blonde had stayed the longest, and Hoseok could only hope his soulmate looked better with it than he did himself.

Any time he saw a blonde passing in the streets, he wondered if that was the person who had put him through so much embarrassment over the past year. But somehow, they never seemed to fit the image in his mind.

It's been a week since the latest hair color arrived. And Hoseok had to say, this was the worst out of every color so far. He would take the blonde back any day than have to sport this around town.


Mint green.

Out of all the colors in the rainbow, Hoseok wondered who the hell looked good in green.

He was sure then that his soulmate was doing this out of spite. That was the only reasonable explanation. No one in their right mind would willingly dye their hair green for aesthetic.

It was a horrible color on Hoseok, and he retracted any statements made previously about his soulmate having good taste.

He wondered if his soulmate got any pleasure from putting him through this torture.

Hoseok tried to live with it. He tried living with it the same way he lived with the pink and the blonde, but he just couldn't. The color looked horrendous against his skin and he wanted to look at something he actually liked in the mirror for once. So whether his soulmate approved of it or not, he was picking the color this time.

He made an appointment to an actual salon this time around, unlike the first three times he dyed his own hair using color from a box.

He figured if he did it professionally, it would come out well. And if it came out good enough, his soulmate would live with the color.

Tired of the outrageous colors, Hoseok had his mind set on black. The same pitch black his soulmate had first dyed their hair. Maybe it would bring back some sentiment and satisfy them for a short while.

Hoseok waited in the salon, his leg bouncing impatiently to the music as he sat and waited for his name to be called. Though he was anxious about what would result from his, he was ready to have a color he actually liked again.

"Jung Hoseok?"

His head turned at the call of his name, and suddenly he couldn't breathe.

Sharp eyes.

A smirk.

And green.

Mint green.

He could feel it in his bones when he looked at him that he was the one. He had to. Who else dyed their hair fucking mint green?

And from the cheshire grin on his lips, Hoseok was sure he knew it too.

He stood from his seat and walked over to him. It took ever fiber in his being not to reach out and touch him, because finally he had a face and a voice to put to the imaginary person in his head.

And looking at him now, he was wrong about the green. Because holy fuck did it look good on him.

"Green? Really?"

The chuckle that reached his ears sealed it; green was his new favorite color.

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