And The Stars Exploding We'll Be Fire Proof

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Word Count/ 7K

"Come on," comes Namjoon's voice from over Yoongi's shoulder, insistent and sounding like a true and utter pest. It's not even ten in the morning and yet here he is, proving to be the constant menace that sits on Yoongi's shoulder, whispering the most terrible ideas in his ear.

Namjoon is never good news, but then again, that's exactly the reason why they've grown to be such good friends.

"Hyung, listen to me,"

Yoongi's done with listening to Namjoon's inane ideas, loosely interpreted by the younger boy as cute and pretty good ideas for overcoming Yoongi's crippling anxiety about asking the one guy he's been crushing on for the past year (well, technically five years, but. Semantics.) or so out.

None of Namjoon's ideas work, because all of Namjoon's ideas suggest Yoongi explode from the inside out. As if he was that flammable that he could just implode at will.

But, at the thought of Hoseok's smile whenever Yoongi catches him off guard, Yoongi does sort of feel like he may just explode. It's going to be a mess of guts and gore and it will all be Namjoon's fault, if ever Yoongi does decide to go out with a bang.

As if it were that easy, anyway.

Which brings them back to the point at hand - Yoongi's friends being the least helpful bunch when it comes to actual advice. How many times has this bunch of idiots gone to Yoongi for advice? Far too many, Yoongi's lost count. But the one time Yoongi needs good and solid advice that may just not end with him being run over by a freight train, his friends don't deliver.

If Jimin suggests another terribly orchestrated blind date that isn't even blind, not when Yoongi knows who it's going to be with, then Yoongi will have to print out a termination letter for Jimin to sign, because there's no way Yoongi will be friends with him if all he's got in that thick head of his are terribly cheesy ideas. Not to mention stupid. Terribly cheesy ideas, there.

"What is it this time?" Yoongi groans, shifting in his seat on the couch. He reaches for the remote on the table, completely ignoring Namjoon chattering by his side. Yoongi's learnt, over the years, the helpful act of hearing but not truly listening. So he hears Namjoon but none of the boy's words register. Not one single word.

"Why don't you just let us set you two up?" Namjoon says for the nth time. All of his friends have suggested the same thing or other, and just like every suggestion, Yoongi shoots it down. This is something he has to deal with himself. He can do it, eventually.

"You were never this bad about asking anybody out," Namjoon follows, a little exasperated now.

Yoongi looks over his shoulder to glare at him. He can already feel the insult tripping out from the tip of his tongue but he bites back on it. His friends mean well. Namjoon might be a knucklehead sometimes, a total klutz most of the time, but he's got a good heart, and he means well. Yoongi just has to stop taking out his frustrations on the poor boy and remind himself that he's only trying to help. That's all.

"And it's just Hoseok," Namjoon says, giving up already, if his scoff at Yoongi is anything to go by. He pushes himself off of the couch, leaving with a mumbled, I'm hungry.

And that's that for an eventful Tuesday afternoon.

It's been a full month of his friends pushing him into asking Hoseok out, and Yoongi can say, with utmost confidence, that the past month has been the worst fucking month of his life. It had been a mistake, a confession eased out of him by liquor and a good time. Namjoon and Seokjin had been the only ones present, but trust Yoongi's friends to not keep anything to themselves.

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