Star Light Star Bright The Last Star I See Tonight

595 18 6

Author/ kwonsoonday
Word Count/ 5.8K

Note: This. Story.
To make it clear it focuses more on Taekook but it has minor yoonseok, even if you don't like Taekook I recommend you read this. This story is my favorite and it's so fucking sad I still cry no matter how many times I read it. It's just perfectly written and ugh it's just beautiful.

Jung Kook grows up in a small town near the ocean side. The waves crash against the shores and the stars shine clearly in the inky, black sky. There isn't much to do in this small town, so all he has are his friends.

The oldest is Seokjin, and he takes his role as the eldest very seriously. He's always scolding and lecturing them. Yoongi is only a few months younger than Seokjin, but so much calmer and laid back. Hoseok smiles too much and laughs at anything remotely funny. Namjoon is born in the same year as Hoseok, but acts as if he's a millennium older. Jimin dyes his hair ridiculous colours on whim; he cries too much and laughs too loudly. Lastly, there is Taehyung, his next door neighbour who holds Jung Kook's hand and does stupid things that make him giggle.

Jung Kook is six when they make the promise. They're spending the day by the ocean, collecting sea glass in a plastic bucket.

"We have to promise to watch out for each other," Seokjin says.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok asks, head tilted to the side in confusion. Taehyung takes this as an opportunity to jump onto the older's back, causing both Hoseok and Taehyung to collapse into the water with a splash.

"Guys, listen," Seokjin whines, the way he always does when he wants them to pay attention.

"Everyone, listen to Jin hyung," Namjoon snaps. He's always been the most obedient.

"Listen to your father, kids," Yoongi drawls lazily. He's floating on his back, eyes focused on the clear, blue sky. Yoongi always calls Seokjin the "mom" of the group and Namjoon the "dad". Jung Kook finds it funny because that means he's one of the kids of this metaphorical family.

"Why do we have to watch out for one another? Is someone after us?" Fear bleeds into Jimin's trembling voice.

"Jimin hyung is a scaredy cat," Jung Kook teases, dodging when Jimin tries to jab him in the side.

"Pay attention, everyone," Seokjin huffs. "It's not that anyone is after us, it's just that friends are supposed to look out for each other. If we're all looking out for one another, then we can't get hurt, right?"

"Oh, that makes sense," Jung Kook admits.

"So cheesy," Yoongi snorts. Hoseok sneaks up from underneath him and drags him down into the ocean. "You're stupid," Yoongi mutters, shaking droplets of water from his hair. Hoseok just laughs.

They visit the nice woman who own the local convenience store on the way home. She always gives them bread that she wasn't able to sell that day, free of charge. She smiles at them and gently ruffles their hair.

"Why can't all boys be nice like you?" she asks while patting Hoseok's cheek and grinning at Jung Kook.

"We're the bestest and you can't beat the bestest," Jung Kook points out.

"That's not grammatically correct," Seokjin whispers to Jung Kook, but the elder is smiling down at him.

The woman just laughs and shoos them off with arms full of warm bread.

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