Fists Over Flowers

337 5 0

Author/ infinitizeit
Word Count/ 3.6K

"I'm sorry about him." Taehyung says to Namjoon who is standing next to him, eyes glued on one spot. Namjoon shakes his head, eyes never straying from the scene in front of them.

"I'm sorry, too."

It's after school and they should really be heading home right now, but as usual, here they are. Watching their respective best friends fighting each other on the ground.

"Hoseok didn't have to spill his milk on Yoongi during lunch today, though." Namjoon says, adjusting his bag's straps before stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Yoongi didn't have to throw his spaghetti on his lap, either." Taehyung muses, not really mad at anyone in this situation.

It's a daily occurrence for Hoseok and Yoongi to fight after school. Teachers would stop them from fighting, but then they also have the thought that because these two are always at each other's throats, they leave everyone else alone. And that's always a plus.

Literally everyone in the entire school knows about these two and their daily fights over petty things.

"Next time I'll make you drink your milk through your nose, loser." Yoongi spits out when they've finally untangled their limbs. Hoseok spits out blood, landing right in front of Yoongi.

"And I'll shove your spaghetti right up your ass."

They're both panting where they stand. Hoseok's got his shirt off, a habit he has before they start fighting, because "blood stains don't come out." Yoongi called him a bitch and so started that fight long ago. Yoongi doesn't give a shit about stains. Instead, he wears them with pride. Hoseok's surprised he hasn't started labeling them and which body part from Hoseok it came from.

"Are you two done?" Taehyung asks, bored beyond belief, but at least he's not working on that shitty essay he needs to do before Friday. Namjoon already has Yoongi by the bicep, dragging him towards their bus stop.

"For now. I'll break those fucking teeth tomorrow." Yoongi growls, snatching his arm out of Namjoon's grasp. He grabs his neglected bag from the ground and trudges after Namjoon.

"Good luck getting past these!" Hoseok yells after them and Yoongi knows his mouth is wide open, braces flashing in the sunlight.

"Asshat." Yoongi grumbles. Namjoon sighs, taking a seat on the bench at their bus stop.

"You two need to calm the fuck down. Don't you ever get tired of fighting him?" Namjoon looks up at his best friend. Sometimes he thinks about why he's friends with this prick, but then he remembers what he's like when Hoseok isn't around. Yoongi isn't that bad of a dude. He cares about his parents and his siblings. He does his homework (half-assed, but at least he does it) so his parents won't be too disappointed in him. He treats his younger sibling with care, hoping they don't turn out like him.

"He's just so irritating. So happy and always fucking smiling, like does he ever stop? Don't his cheeks hurt?" Yoongi grumbles, frowning so hard he has canyons around his mouth.

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