The ugly thing on my wrist begins to look despicable.

“Very well. If that’s what it takes for my freedom.”

“I wouldn’t call it freedom. More like an extended leash.”

I shrug.

“I suppose.”

Naruto nods then stands.

“Well I think that’s it so go enjoy what time you have left.” He says grimly.

I nod again; fully aware of the probable fate that awaits me at the end of the month.

I take a deep breath of the morning summer air. The birds are singing and the flowers in full bloom and the heat isn’t all that bad. The only thing that soils this perfect day is the irritating bracelet on my wrist and the ever constant black op following me around where ever I go, not to mention the warm welcome I get from the villagers and other ninja.

I have only been out of my cell for at least 12 hours-most of them spent sleeping on a real bed- and already I feel choked by the short leash that I am tethered to.

I step into the street -locking my hotel room behind me- and start walking to the market, my intent: breakfast.

Once I reach the already bustling market I walk up to the first stall.

The owner glares at me hatefully and shakes his head.

“We’re closed.” He says.

“What? But its only 8:00 in the morning.”

He shrugs.

“We are closed.”

I grit my teeth and walk away. Behind me I can hear the lying cheat greeting his next customer with a cheerful hi.

The other vendors give me pretty much the same treatment.

Some are more blunt.

I walk up to a small stall selling rice balls.

“Hi, I would like…” the young woman cuts me off.

“You are not welcome here.” She says.

“But I…” once again she interrupts me.

“I refuse to sell you anything. Now go away and don’t bother anyone else. In fact you could do us all a favor and go die in some dark hole.”

I take a step back at her bluntness.

“um..ok..” I stutter as the woman points her knife at me.

“And don’t come back!” She screams at my retreating back.

By the time it is lunch I have been to every vendor and restaurant I can think of and refused service every time. I have even been to a few grocery stores and I was still refused there too.

I slump in defeat against the bench I had found and ignore my stomach’s rumblings.

I haven’t eaten since last morning and even then it was revolting jail food. My stomach lurches at the thought of the food I had been served. I am surprised I managed to keep it down every time I had some.

My mind turns back to the villagers. The way they had looked at me cut through my heart like my katana. The hate, disgust, fear, and anger at my deception shone clear in their eyes at they had glared at me.

I frown. Never in my life had I experienced such loathing or rage. Not even when my victims discovered the Snow Rose would be the last person they ever saw. I never left anyone that I had come in contact as the Snow Rose alive.

Poker FaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora