~Romeo Loves Juliet~


"Juliet was right, I agreed with her, yes Romeo wanted to save her but Juliet took hold of her life, she chooses that she wanted to be with Romeo, so she pretends to die that's why she was so determined," I say proudly

"But, she should have known that if he loved her so much that he would come back," He says

"But if he loved her so much why would he leave her?"

He goes quiet and I smile

"She wasn't going to let that happen so she faked her death, but then Romeo decided to come back and save her, and when he came he saw her dead and took his own life-"

"That wouldn't have happened if Juliet just let things play out like they were supposed to" He comes back in.

"Romeo needed to get away to make a safe plan to get Juliet back if Juliet never did that they would have left in love and happy"

"No, she loved and cared for him so much that she faked her death so she could see him, he walked out and she would do whatever it took to be with her true love again." I say

"But if she trusted and loved him so much then she would know that he would come back to save her" He points out

Now it's my turn to go quiet,

"He loved her so much, more than they both knew, and that was proven when he found her 'dead' and he killed himself, she put him through that pain."

"But if he hadn't had left her in the first place then maybe she would have been alive" I growl

"Okay!" Mr.Jones says

I huff and give Austin a slight glare.

"You both hold strong arguments, Its almost like you understood the feeling! It was astonishing! That's an A"

I smile, good, an A.

We go back to our seats and I feel his gaze on me once again.

"Can you stop looking at me?" I hiss

"I can do whatever the hell I want darling"

I turn to face him "No, no you can't"

He gets closer to my face.

"I would stop there if I was you"

"What are you going to do, throw me over your shoulder again?"

He nods and I huff sitting back in my seat, I'm tired of this dude doing that to me.


I watch her closely as she sits on the other side of the room, she sits by herself with a canvas in front of her, her hair pulled up into a messy ponytail.

"Okay class I am going to count down to three and you are going to think of one person.





"Okay, now that one person that you thought of, I want you to paint them!" She says throwing her hands in the air.

She gasp and claps her hands "Make it creative"

I look back over at Ronnie as she pushes a loose strand behind her ear.

She looks up meeting my eyes and mouths 'what?' I shake my head and look back at my blank canvas.

I pick up the paintbrush and see some people looking at me and I put it down.

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