Chapter 35: I love U

Start from the beginning

i folllow after her. Heather butts in pushing Astrid away from me, "Oh Hiccup are you okay?" she says while dusting me off. "I'm fine" i say as i walk and go see the other kids. they're all gathered at the table while eating. "Hey Hiccup come on and eat with us" says one of the little boys. "No thanks I'm fine" i say to the little boy.

"Your loss" says a little girl. i laugh, Astrid comes in following after Heather."can we open the presents now?" says a little girl. "Not until you all finish eating" says the woman as she serves each kid a cup of hot chocolate.

"Hot chocolate?" says the woman as she passes me. "Sure why not" i say as i take a mug of hot chocolate. One of the kids accidentally spills hot chocolate on Heather's shirt. "Oh no my favorite shirt you ruined it you little brat" she says as she takes some napkins and cleans her shirt. 

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to spill it on you miss" says the little girl who spilt her hot chocoalte on Heather. "Ugh, this is why i hate kids they ruin everything" she says as she storms out of the orphanage. "I didn't mean to" says the little says as she starts to cry. i rush over to her and hug her, "Its okay, she just doesn't understand" i say as i stroke the little girls hair. she hugs me tightly as she cries.

i pick her up and hold her in my arms while she cries, "Here wanna play a game?" i say as i look at her. she nods as she wipes the tears away. "Okay this is how you play" i say as i whisper the games to her.

Astrid POV

I watch as Hiccup comforts the little girl. he's so gentle with children. i wonder how many kids he's want to have. Wait what am i saying.

Hiccup whispers something into the little girl's ear. "You got it" he says not whispering this time. "Okay" she sats jumping up happily. "Okay now go" says Hiccup as the little girl goes off to tell the other kids. i walk over to Hiccup and whisper in his ear. "what game are you guys playing?" i whisper to him. he smirks, "This" he says as he grabs my waist and starts to tickle me.

"No, H-Hiccup s-stop that t-tickles" i say through breaths. "its suppose to" he says while tickling me. he stops, i punch his shoulder with no effect. "not working for ya is it?" he says teasingly. "Nope but it will eventually" i say crossing my arms.

he grabs my waist and kisses me. i'm surprised but kiss back anyway. all the kids are giggling.

after we pull away they all start giggling and laughing. "This is all your fault" i say as kiss him on the cheek. i can tell he blushes a bit.

"Hiccup has a girlfriend" they all start chanting. i blush, "kids time to open the presents" yells the woman. They all smile and rush over to the other room. i smile but soon that smile fades away.

I'm not his girlfriend, i can't be with a married man. i clean up all the plates as Hiccup helps me. we both don't say another word.

until he speaks up, "You okay?" says Hiccup as we wash the dishes. "Ya I'm fine" i say without looking at him. (A/N lies they're lies, sorry couldn't help it) "Somethings wrong tell me" he says as he stops me from washing the dishes. "Hiccup please just i don't wanna talk about it" i say trying to occupy myself with something so i won't have to answer. "Astrid tell me" he says looking into my eyes. "Hiccup i can't be with you, your married. and your not supposed to get between two married people" i say finally saying it.

the smile he wore turns into a frown. "So your saying you don't like me" he says as he looks down at the unwashed dishes. "No, what I'm saying is we can't be together your married and me I'll just have to find someone else" i say sadly.

"No Astrid please don't, just because i married Heather doesn't mean i love her" he says with sadness in his eyes. "Hiccup" is all i say before i hug him, and start to cry. "Besides i think my dad will help me, with the divorce he knows how to deal with this kind of stuff" he says as he hugs me tightly.

"Just promise you won't marry anyone" he says pulling away from the hug and taking my hands in his. "Promise me please" he pleads. "I promise i won't" i say, he hugs me tightly as i keep crying.

"We have to keep washing the dishes you know" i say as we both pull away from the hug and wipe the tears away. "Ya we should" he says as he keeps washing the dishes.

when were finally done its already 9:00. wow time flies by, "Come on I'll fly you home" he says as we walk out of the orphanage. (A/N they were alot of dishes and so many children) but instead of taking me home he takes me on a romantic flight around the whole island.


So would you think did u like it also the winner for the contest is. @areliespinal and surprise, surprise @awsome262338 is also gonna be in the book.

i decided to give you guys both a shot at this since its my first contest you won't come out in the book till a little later but its good that i'll be updating alot.

so celebrate that u won also i'll talk to u abour ur characters later but for now celebrate and be happy.

*Throws balloons at u*

celebration times come on. okay well thats it for now. bye my dragon riders/ pepitos.


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