{ Chapter 19}

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jade wiped her tear and looked at the gun that sat in her passenger seat. she was hurting and wanted nothing but revenge. she grabbed the gun and stepped out of the car. she put them in her jeans and grabbed a jacket from her back seat to cover her clothes full of blood. she took a baby wipe that was also in her back seat and wiped her face, neck, and hands.

she walked into the apartment building that was in Joliet IL which was 30 minutes away from Chicago and got on the elevator. she pressed the floor that she was going on and tapped her foot. she would've never seen this day coming a day in her life.

the elevator dinged and she stepped off looking from her left to her right going left. she went to the door number 325 and took a breath knocking on the door. she looked around only because she was paranoid and stepped back from the door.

the door opened and there stood her beautiful bestfriend," jade what the fuck do you want" kenya asked walking away from the door allowing jade to enter. while kenya back was facing jade, jade pulled out cranes gun and pointed it at her back. " you embarre-"

kenya turned around while talking but quickly shut up and threw her hands up in surrender." jade what are you doing?" her voice cracked and jade heard the fear in it.  the fear fed her pleasure and she only wanted more. 

jade tilted her head and smiled tilting it back straight," crane should be back any minute I think you want to go or he'll kill you" kenya attempted to her warn her with tears rolling down her face. jade shook her head," Nah my baby he ain't coming here, he going home"

kenya grew confused and shook her head," what are you talking about jade?" she asked with a questionable look. " are you slow" Jade laughed cocking the gun.

kenya jumped and raised her hand higher," you kill him? didn't you?" her voice cracked worse then it did before. kenya heart sank in and her breathing became uneven. she wondered how she killed him, he would never go out like that. she held her chest and looked at Jade. " yup and you're next"

kenya shook her head no, she wasn't ready to go she was only 25 her life just started. she put her hands in front of her and continued to shake her head. " I'm sorry jade I'm sorry" jade raised her hand for her to shut up. " were best friends remember"

" KENYA SHUT THE HELL UP" jade was honestly tired of waiting she just wanted to feel good again, she just wanted to feel loved again. she shot kenya in the knee and in the stomach before sitting down next to her. " I love you kenya, I really do" jade shook her head wiping her tears. she stood back up and shot her in the head instantly killing kenya.

" may we meet again"


a week later

jade laid in her bed naked with her silk sheets wrapped around her as she sobbed into them. she took the tissue she had and wiped her face. there was a hard know on the door so she got up threw on a t-shirt and some shorts. she ran her hands through her hair and open the door.

her heart began to race when she opens the door," are you jade parker?" she nodded and kept her head held high.
"you're under arrest for the murder of racrane smith, brian eavens, and kenya foster. you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. you have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you. do you understand the rights I have said to you" jade nodded her head with tears falling effoertley

in jades mind it was all worth it.


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