Now the angels needed him to reach out to the FATHER completely, trusting his maker to see him through. There was very little they could do until he accepted the Savior. Right till that moment, it was the FATHER's mercy that had been operating on his behalf.


Back at Pastor Jacob's, Doris' story was still unfolding. She had told her listeners how she had surfaced from the river and met Kemi, their former maid, waiting patiently for her at the river bank. Kemi was to be her guardian and mentor for the next five years, initiating her and teaching Doris about the things of the cult.
She had met others too, initiates, primaries, teachers and leaders. It was a well established organization, cutting across the  whole world.

Even though she had stayed with Omiwa for only two months, above the water, she had been missing for almost six .
Her father had been placed under a spell through- out her visit under the river . When she arrived home, the man had greeted her as if she had never left , so did everyone living in the house.
" When I entered my bedroom that day" Doris recounted, "a replica of me was lying down on my bed, casually sipping on lemonade and reading one of my story books. She glanced up at me, smiled wickedly and vanished into thin air, ..i was so scared, but now fully aware of what I'd gotten myself into ".

   "My word" whispered Amari,almost to herself,  "a Spirit agent must have been disguising as you all the while you were gone".
"Yes", Doris continued, " right after i jumped out of the window six months back. Kemi later told me about the set-up ". " I found out the impersonator had represented me everywhere, copied all my notes in school up to date, written my promotional exams for me, and topped the class in my absence. In fact,  Everything had been taken care of. I only had to continue from were I left off".

"For the next five years, Kemi trained and drilled me, ..punishing me severely when ever I messed any assignment up. She taught me the dark arts, how to project out of my body and the list goes on and on. But the one thing she hammered on was how to lure men into sin. That was to be my main assignment for the goddess. Recruiting men for the cult,ruining their marriages and making them as irresponsible and useless as possible".

" But why all this?" Fred asked, bewildered at what he was hearing, "why the emphasis on men?".
"That's easy" said David, " men are the head of the home,the priest who leads his family to Christ".
" Don't forget role model to the children, especially the male ones" Doris chipped in, "without the man at home, the woman would be miserable, ..too weak and depressed to pray".
"Only a little percentage of them ever command the evil one to release their husbands with the power of prayer and fasting". "Funny enough, many times we did encounter strong Christian women".
"However, let me correct your wrong notion .The emphasis is not on men, it's the family as a whole!" Doris said , "Some were assigned to the wife and some to the children".

" I see" said Fred, " once each family unit is destroyed, a nation is destroyed".

" I'am afraid so darling," replied Doris " the devil's plans for humanity's downfall have begun since he fell from grace".

"By the time I was in my twenties, I had destroyed so many marriages and recruited many young men and women for our kingdom".
"As a reward, I was given money, lots of jewelry and presented with tickets to travel to so many countries. When ever I returned I would be promoted in the cult . Within a short period of time, I reached the post of a vice, under cover as a prostitute to still lure more men".

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