Author's Note

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Thank you for reading and for your comments and votes  :)

You have made this possible and I couldn't have continued this story if you guys hadn't been here, showing so much interest in it with your awesome feedback.

I'm happy. Yep. You've made me happy. And I know I have made you sad :( 

I enjoy stories that toy with my emotions and tickle my mind just right with mysteries and interesting hypothesis. So I do hope that I've achieved this with Kairos.

I also hope to see you on Book 3: Kairos - Love.

The thing with this last book is that I do want to write it and I certainly will, but it's a difficult one. And while I could force it and speed write it, I don't want to risk it not being up to par. I'm aware that all your expectations are riding on this 3rd book, where Steve's memories will not only be revealed but explain so much of his character and of Donnie and Jack's actions. 

Book 3 needs to be great :) And because of that, I will take my time to make it great. 

My first estimation for writing book 3 is 5 months from now... so November might be the starting date for updates. I'll keep you guys informed and you can always contact me if you feel the need to.

Thank you and see you later... dweebs :D

PS: Remember to breathe. And here's some music you may or may not enjoy... Kinda like Steve's story :D

***published on June 1st 2018***

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now