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Following rules — never my strong point.

My laptop had a neat software, easy to use, quick to offer what I needed. Since my college lectures depended on visual aids, I made most of my slides using it.

Now I was busy erasing Jack's face from one of the photos at the Crimson. The only one I had not deleted. The only trace I had left of him on my phone.

If his face wasn't visible, nobody would have guessed it was him holding my bare torso, right?

I zoomed into the photo, taking my time with the eraser tool. I didn't want to see those pretty eyes gone. I hated to delete that elegant jaw of his. And his smiling lips... And Donnie?

Was that Donnie in the background? The photo quality didn't help but Donnie's unmistakable scar did.


Sharpen. Yes. That's his scar.

I lied down on the warm wooden platform staring up at the white ceiling. Morning sun rays dashed through the large windows. My study glimmered in brightness, yet I saw no light.

It made no sense. Why was Donnie at the Crimson that night? Did Jack ask him to come? No. None of them had mentioned it.

Breakfast sounded good. After a sleepless night and a freaky discovery that morning, I needed some calories to think.

Pancakes. I was stirring the batter when a phone rang by the door.

"That's new..."

I wiped my hands on the old sweat pants.

Driiiiing. What's this? The intercom?

"Yes?" I answered warily.

"Ho-ho-ho," the doorman let out a joyous greeting. "Mr.Finley! The movers are here."

The what now-?

"Are you sure it's for Mr.Rhymes' apartment?"

"Papers seem in order."

"Give me a second, will you?"

Spinning curse words through clenched teeth, I rushed about the living area. Where the fuck's that phone?

I could see the Russians, bulky and hairy, posing as movers. A mouse trapped at the top floor and no matter how I looked at it, my only escape was a clean jump from the terrace and into certain death.


"Donnie. Some movers are here." I wanted to shout into the phone, but growled the words lowly instead.

"Oh, man. Did I forget to tell you? I guess I did," the asshole spoke with a satisfied chuckle. "You're getting your own place, dweeb. Much smaller than Jack's so take only what you need. Rest goes into storage."

No words. No thoughts. Just a whirlwind of emotions.

Crunch! The phone cracked against the wall, battery flew to shit, screen shattered to tiny bits.

A dark shadow grew at my feet. Chilling and thick, it flowed up along my legs and embraced my chest with black fog tendrils.

I moved. Like a dream the intercom grew closer. Finger pushed the talk button.

"Send them up."

Beep-beep-beep. I disarmed the alarm.

Clank. The villain door opened widely.

Maybe these were the Russians. Could Donnie betray Jack? Nah, he had no interest to.


Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now