24.Just Drive

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I'll be good. I'll be thoughtful and attentive. I can do this, Jack. Come see me soon.

In the daylight, the apartment seemed more welcoming. I cleaned up and set my things in order. Jack's games and his Asimov books were the only items lined up in the bookcase. But at least it made the place look more lived in.

My cigarette crave took over. I glanced about the corridor with the bolt cutter in hand. The building was quiet and the coast was clear.

I darted up the stairs.

Such an old and flimsy chain. A weak link, rusty and deformed caught my eye. The bolt cutter worked smoothly.

The rattling sound echoed across the building as the chain fell and rolled down a couple of stairs.

Subtle, Mr.Finley.

I fled to my apartment with the chain and bolt cutter in hand. The other palm was busy covering my mouth. A cackle threatened to burst out of my chest. Being bad felt good.

The closet served as my very secret hiding place for the chain and bolt cutter. I grabbed some coffee and cigs.

My very first cigarette at the new place. It wasn't much different than the others I had had at Jack's, on the terrace. The same sharp cold. A city view. Although this one was wider and more varied. Less tall buildings, and the Campus and nearby park really opened up the landscape. To the west were some mountains and the east revealed glimpses of the docks and shimmering patches of gray water.

I left the roof and went back inside to get warm.

Stealing a blanket from the bed, I plopped on the floor, huddled cozily. My laptop connected to the WiFi and I began to browse.

Creak! The front door to the apartment below me opened and closed.

Did they hear the ruckus I've made with the chain? If so, then it took them a while to react. No, I was safe.

Buying a TV had never even crossed my mind until then. I didn't watch it. Jack rarely did. But he needed one to use his gaming console. And if I were to make him feel welcome at my new place, I needed a TV.

Unable to decide on a brand and features, I settled on going for another smoke.

My pack was nowhere in sight. I must have forgotten it on the roof.

As I climbed the first few steps, a harsh gust of wind hit me. Did I really leave the door cracked open like a dumbass?

I sneaked up the stairs and approached the white and misty outside world. Carefully, I pushed the metal door and looked about the roof.

A man's butt swayed to the side. He was bent over, doing something in the far right corner of the roof.

He straightened up and turned. Henry's profile came into view. He wore a cap and a black plain jacket on top of some casual attire. That slightly turned up nose and the curve of his chin really stood out against the gray background of the sky. Cute.

In the shadow of the stairwell, I was safe from view. So there was no reason for me not to indulge in watching him for a change.

Henry walked to the other side of the roof and crouched by a venting hole. I spied a bit of the object he fidgeted with. Small, black and long.

Stupid. Why do you have to survey my every move?

I quietly skipped down the stairs and hid in my apartment. With the corner of my eye, I spotted something black and round on the ceiling, by the vent.

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now