45.Wrong Step

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The fanged smiley face stared back at me from the bottom of that damn note. Sands covered it with a bare fingertip and held up the paper so I could see the writing better in the murky car. The only light source came from the headlights of the SUV parked behind us.

'Don't forget, I love you.' My eyes stuck to the last sentence of the note and burned with emotions that I forced myself to swallow.

"What about it?" I asked shrugging and put on a smirk, hoping that my face didn't betray anything.

"Jack wrote this," Mr.Sands declared without doubt.


At my stupid answer, an icy frown of displeasure crossed his face.

"For who?" He dangled the note before me.

"For whom," I uttered unable to hold back the words.

His eyes narrowed in confusion.

So I half-heartedly clarified, "'For whom' is correct. Nevermind."

The note dropped and a blurred hand covered my face. Bam! Darkness swallowed me when my head hit the car window and pain poured over my shivering naked body, pooling inside an empty and aching stomach. I needed to throw up.

"I will ask again then," the Russian spoke eerily calm as his large hand released my face. "For whom?"

We stared at each other. Idly rubbing the spot where my head hurt, I could only hear the friction between my skin and hair strands accompanied by the strong and quickening heartbeat drumming in my ears.

Two sides to this. There were two ways for me to play this.

"I don't know," the answer left my lips. I sighed trying to appear defeated.

"Where did you find it then?"

I watched his tattooed fingers as he turned around the note, appearing to read it. But those cold eyes were looking sideways at me.

"A hotel room."

Thin brows perked up. "And you happened to be there to find it yet have no clue who it is for?"

"No clue."

Mr.Sands crumbled up the note and put it away in his coat pocket. Russian words left his stern thin lips.

Clank. The car doors unlocked and Mr.Sands slipped out into the gray world outside.

My body burned in a surge of adrenaline and I frantically shifted in the backseat, following his movement as he walked around the SUV. When he opened the door to my left a chilling gust of wind whipped my bare skin.

"Out of the car, little pup," he urged in an amiable tone that made me shudder.

If Mr.Sands had shown any genuine emotions, anger, frustration, anything, I would have felt safer. But this man didn't seem human and I couldn't guess his intentions if my life depended on it. Oh, wait... It did depend on it.

So screwed.

I slowly stepped out of the car, bracing for the freezing cold of December and whatever else awaited me outside.

Bam! The car door slammed behind me.

Run? To where? Darkness surrounded the cone of light we inhabited. I caught some movement at the corner of my eye. Distant shadows. But were those Jack's men preparing the ambush or was it merely a shrub wrestling with the wind?

From behind, a gilded gun pressed against my cheek — a touch even colder than the winter air.

"Kneel," Mr.Sands said casually and his breath fell on the nape of my neck.

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now