54.A Place in Hell

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Copper taste in my mouth, copper smell in the air. Sticky. Dark and sticky, my cheek had gotten stuck to something. Rapid blinks, my hand rubbed over dazed eyes, yet still only the impenetrable dark revealed itself.

I lifted my head and grunted as the viscous substance peeled off my skin.

Bump! Fuck, my head! I'd hit something hard.

My limbs extended and in a frenzy I prodded at the black veil shrouding me and found walls on all sides. I was in a box! A coffin! My skin crawled and I banged against all sides, quickly learning that up and right were made of metal curves. Hard and merciless metal.

Gasps and whines of desperation filled my ears so I remembered to breathe, slowly, deeply. In, then out. My heart boomed yet I could put that thumping sound aside and focus on my surroundings.

Rumbling. A slight rocking. Then a more abrupt shift like someone was moving the box, very very fast. I was in the trunk of a car.

I sighed with relief and then I threw up the moment I realized what the syrupy substance sticking to my cheek was. Blood. Henry's blood.

And now I was marinating in my gastric fluids as well.


I kicked and punched at the trunk lid.

Then I sobbed and kneaded my scathed knuckles like a baby.

A screech from outside snapped my eyes wide open. The movement had stopped. The car had stopped.


Clunk. The trunk lid popped open.

Yellowy lights blinded me, yet I plunged forward, screaming and punching. Only to hit the wall that was Donnie, hard and unyielding.

Slap! My head turned from the hit and I saw nothing for a long time. Even as I felt myself get dragged. Even as a metal door loudly rattled and meowed. Even as another door moaned opening.

My chest hit a table. In the end, a room took shape around me, murky and cold. Metal walls, bloated and distorted, wrinkled and scratched as the green paint peeled off in places. I had been pinned to a desk. A metal chair in front. A metal cabinet to my right. Wait a minute. The stench in the air tainted by the canal nearby, reeking of petrol and rotting garbage.

The warehouse?! That place where Jack had proposed the deal a million years ago?

"Why?" I grumbled. "Why the fuck am I here?"

"I thought you saw right through me, Steve," Donnie growled.

His harsh gloved hands pulled my wrists to the small of my back and I flailed in vain, exhausted and in too much pain to put up any actual fight. A large heavy palm ran along my spine waking tiny snakes, cold and slithering.

Donnie's words fell in a sigh filled by wander, "I have you now..."

That made my skin crawl even more. Wheezing, I tried to move, yet his clasp on my wrists was iron.

"What do you want?" I let out in a strained sob even though I dreaded his answer.

Silence. The longest silence set between us, punctuated by heavy breathing, mine and Donnie's. My mind conjured up answers and they all revolved around my body being used in the most horrific ways imaginable.

"What do I want?" he repeated the question like a rumbling volcano.

"Yes! I'm not dead, so what do you want from me?!" I screamed.

Ruthless hands pushed me off the desk and I crumbled to the concrete floor.

Donnie's raspy voice boomed, "I want you out of Jack's life."

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now