52.Dig Deeper, Steve!

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Darkness swallowed us and there was no end to this grim road we followed.

"You've forced my hand, dweeb," Donnie raspy voice came from my left.

"Where are we going?" I asked slowly, stifling my growing anxiety with rationalizations.

The phone. My phone. Donnie had probably deemed it a liability, a way for us to get tracked. It doesn't mean anything.

His silence though, that meant something.

My right hand throbbed at an agonizing pace since I clenched it in a tight fist. "Where are we going?" I uttered the question once again.

"Not to Jack." Donnie's perfect white teeth grinned at me.

"Stop the car," I urged. "Just stop the car and we can talk about it, whatever it is you think you're doi-"

"Oh, I know what I'm doin'. Do you, dweeb?"

My temper snapped. I punched Donnie's shoulder with my left hand. "Stop the car!"

"No." He barely budged.

A mountain of a man and I could barely scrape the surface.

Moreover, Donnie was driving the car and the worst I could do was to make him veer off road. We were both wearing seat belts though. And what would that accomplish?

Fuck. I had no idea how to react, or what my options were.

"Listen," I started and rubbed my face as if that would have cleared up my mind. "Just tell me where we're going and I'll shut my mouth. I'll even go willingly but you have to explain to me what's happening."

Donnie chuckled in eerie undertones. "You never know, do you? Blissfully goin' on with your life. Your concerns, your desires. Screw the rest. Am I right? The only one that matters is you."

"What are you talking about?"

"You fuck things up, Steve. Jack was happy 'til you showed up. I was happy. Things were great. Now you spit your lies and play your games and everything's fucked up."

"I don't..." Do I? Whatever words I had prepared to speak died in my throat, uselessly choking me up.

"It took some work but finally, Jack's ready to let go of you. And what does your scrawny ass do? Shows up at a party lookin' for Jack." Donnie growled the words barely sparing a glance my way. No grin, no fake teeth. "I got to you this time, but what about next time. You'd just continue to show up, wouldn't you? Crash every one of our parties 'til you bumped into Jack to fuck him up again?"

I gawked at the flame as he lit a cigarette. Smoke quickly set over Donnie and I waved away the twirling gray vines coming for me.

"Yes. I'd look for Jack until the end of time if I had to and there's nothing fucked about that," I said pressing on every word.

But Donnie simply scoffed and mused, "Isn't there?"

My heart beat itself to death while my stomach twisted in bleak emptiness. Words left my lips, words that tore out a silly sob from my constricted throat. "This isn't some game, Donnie. I love him."

Silence set inside the car once again. Only Donnie's cigarette puffs and huffs filled the foggy air between us.

Trees and shrubs dashed by and my gaze looked up to find the sky. A pure black canvas dotted with twinkling stars. No artificial lights or pollution tainted the heavens. Had we left the city already?

"So in your stupid head, you two get together all lovey-dovey and live happily ever after?" Donnie eventually said.

My eyes caught in the sight of his thick fingers crushing the cigarette butt in the car ashtray.

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