6.Best Birthday Gift Ever

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It would be a quiet and romantic encounter in a classy place where we could enjoy fine cuisine and expensive wine — my treat. I would keep a civilized conversation going but be smooth and relaxed, maybe even show some confidence. It was my birthday after all and our first date so Jack would probably be merciful and forgive any stupid thing leaving my lips. We'd share some cake and joke about getting old. He'd drive us home at a decent hour and we'd kiss in the parking lot. Then some more in the elevator where he'd cop a feel. By the time we'd reach the living room I'd be naked and ready to suck Jack dry. He'd take me to his bedroom and we'd fuck until the wee hours of the night.

That was the plan.

And then Ginny called.

"Explain again. How did we end up here?" Jack spoke somewhat terrified by the view around us.

Dark velvets and red veils draped pitch-black walls of chipped rough stone. Candelabras dripped enough light to stain the macabre decor with pale highlights on top of skulls, blue roses and lace.

We walked in circles. It was the nature of the place to make us go round the scarlet lit dance floor, along booths and heavy curtains.

Richard skipped ahead. Clad in black leather and with spiky ginger hair, he passed for a dorky wannabe vampire. Ginny made for a dangerous red beauty, the green corset pushed up her 'girls' drawing the attention of every pasty Plastic Fang Boy she passed by.

Tables were set in concentric circles and Richie had made reservations on the last row. A merciful opening offered us the chance to cross the three rows of tables and finally, we got to our booth.

"These guys with the plastic fangs, they're all pretending to be vampires?" I asked in disbelief.

Richard snapped his own whitey-sharp fangs and grinned. "Yesh."

Oh, yes, Ginny, this is going to be fun and unique. Really fit for my 33rd birthday.

I shot a glare her way but found that Ginny's mellow gaze was reserved only to Richie.

Missy, you're crazy about this dork.

My arm coiled around her waist and I pulled her curvy body against mine.

"I hate you for getting me into this place, but love how happy you are." I kissed her cheek.

Ginny giggled and slapped my chest blushing, "Can you really tell?"

"From a mile away," I said and released her turning to Richie and Jack.

Two pairs of ruthless, cold eyes. What?! What the fuck guys?!

"Missy, does your Richie know I play for the other team?" I uttered lowly.

"I only told him a double date. Maybe he figured it out on his own?"

"Really, missy?" I growled.

"Mister, I didn't know whether you wanted out or into the closet. Sorry."

Richard sat on a divan in the booth playing cool and indifferent as Ginny floated toward him with her twirly, fluttering dark lace skirt.

The table was low and flanked by large cushions for lounging. I and Jack wore suits. This isn't going to be uncomfortable at all. I rolled my eyes.

But any hostility and annoyance faded as I watched Jack remove his suit jacket. I leered at his broad shoulders and elegant frame hugged loosely by a black plain shirt.

"You know where my tastes lie, right?" I asked approaching him.

Jack scoffed. "The sight of Ginny and you like that," he shrugged, "It took me by surprise."

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