36.One Lie at a Time

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Whiskey and cigarette tainted, the kiss lasted only a couple of seconds while Donnie's gaze fixed wide and fearful on mine. Eventually, he tilted his head back, pulling away and out of reach from my lips.

But I dug my fingers into the nape of his neck and stretched up on my toes, keeping Donnie close. Our breaths bled into one another, parted lips brushed, stuck in a dance of tantalizing hesitation.

My heart boomed frantically as a warning. I was playing with fire.

Donnie's large hand gripped my hair and with a tug, he stole a groan from me.

I smirked. Those amber eyes burned and the sparks betrayed Donnie's want.

He pecked my mouth briefly. I moved to continue the kiss but the thick fingers in my hair held me still. It didn't matter. I had made my point.

This wasn't how a straight guy reacted to another man kissing him and now Donnie knew I could see right through his web of lies. And he seemed furious.

He scowled before his hard thin lips pressed against mine.

The room spun until my back hit a wall and his bulk body enclosed over mine. His suffocating tongue tasted every bit of my mouth and Donnie's harsh grasp groped my ass.

Can I stop him?

Panic surged in waves, breaking against my heart until I forgot to breathe. An odd mix of disgust and lust took over as if part of me longed to toy with the huge man trapping me so possessively. How far would I go?

I let my tongue rub against his and gave him my mouth to use to his liking. Pretty far.

The darkness behind my closed eyelids spawned pairs of eyes, amber and fiery, staring back at me and the hair on my body stood up. Danger. Sexual craving. But more than that, trifling with an unpredictable beast of a man thrilled me to the core. And I wanted to own this creature and tame it.

But that was not my place and it was not my job... right?

My head turned, breaking the kiss and I pushed against Donnie's chest.

With a scoff, I spoke lowly, "Straight as an arrow, eh?" Glancing sideways I caught sight of Donnie.

Furrowed features made his scar look worse and his scowl eerie. "Shut up, pervert."

Ah, how I wanted to poke this beast.

He was heaving so close to my face that his breath scorched my skin. Desperation and anger danced in those eyes and his thick fingers clasped my wrist. Donnie guided my hand down, underneath his bathrobe.

My fingertips found the smooth, warm skin of his erect dick. A frown crossed my face.

"Not happening," I snarled, seeking to take my hand back.

"Fucking whore," he whispered wrapping his fingers around mine on his surprisingly thick dick. "I know you want to."

As I opened my mouth to retort, Donnie thrust in his tongue and I drowned.

Intoxicated and taunted I stroked his erection while the other hand ran up over his hairy chest until I gripped his jaw and pushed, breaking the kiss.

"Fucking liar," I hissed.

He grinned with that perfect row of teeth so fake and annoying. His hips moved, causing that big fat dick to thrust against my trapped hand.

"You gonna finish this?" He asked and then lightly bit one of my fingers which held his jaw.

The slight pain made my dick pulse with longing. Or was it the unexpected warmth in Donnie's eyes?

I chuckled a bit too loudly and let my hand slip from his face to mine. Fuck. The drumming of my heart was deafening. I could cry and laugh and die all at once because my body was a traitor.

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now