39.Slap Me and Get Out

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A bunch of bodies huddled up together, rubbing literal elbows, humming and buzzing with laughter and indistinct words inside a wood paneled room, among wooden tables and chairs, all in the name of consuming alcohol and pretending to care about dialog — Barney's.

"We missed you and Jack yesterday," Ginny said and took a sip of her fruity flavored drink.

A simper crossed my lips and I shrugged to signal my helplessness. "Sorry, missy. We're not feeling social lately."

If it hadn't been for Ginny's repeated texts and phone calls I would have spent the rest of my Sunday sleeping and brooding. But she had insisted and I had caved. Barney's for the evening, just the two of us, like old times. Only nothing felt like old times anymore.

The crowd at the bar seemed foreign. Just how many times could you laugh at the same joke? How loud could you be while patting some guy's back? How many bottles could be tilted and how many glasses could be raised? Why was everyone so merry?

Christmas decorations glittered green and red all around me. I smirked bitterly. Of course. The damn holidays were just around a corner that I didn't want to turn. Not alone. Not without Jack.

"How is Jack? And don't say 'busy' again." Ginny narrowed her eyes peering at me with mock annoyance.

"Wrapped up with work?" I offered playfully, keeping an idle gaze on the new group entering Barney's.

All men, all in black coats. Who would have thought that such a simple clothing article would make my heart jump every time I see it?

The black coats chuckled and playfully pushed each other as they discarded their ominous attire. Which made me wonder why a couple of men at the bar had kept their coats on despite the stuffy atmosphere inside Barney's.

"Crazy hours? Is this why you look so tired?" Ginny asked, reaching for my hand.

Her palm was soft and warm. The soothing and sweet touch made me scoff at the paranoia that had crept up on me.

"Yeah, crazy hours. But it'll get better." A swig of my beer helped clear my throat. "So did you guys have fun last night?" I asked over the loud shouting of a nearby party.

"Yes! Mostly me since I spend the whole time teasing Richie."

I smirked picturing Ginny with her generous bosom and curves parading before the red-haired man. "Tell me more but leave the straight parts out."

She grinned and slapped the back of my hand, "No, mister," her words came with a giggle and a blush, "Not that kind of teasing."

"What other kind is there, missy?"

"The kind where I took him to Feudal only to reveal that it's not a roleplaying venue."

My heart stopped at the restaurant name. "You took him to-" I paused as my gaze darted back to the two men sitting at the bar with their coats still on.

Black coats. Burly figures. Ugly mugs.

Ginny poured a bunch of information at me. But only bits and pieces reached my distracted mind.

I scoured the crowd and found two more black coats closer to the entrance. Their eyes fixed on me yet quickly averted as soon as I looked in their direction.

"But he loved the place even if it's formal attire and not 'bring your own plastic sword and cape' kind of thing," Ginny said and smiled.

Russians. Like sharks, they took their time inside the busy bar. And they weren't circling only me but Ginny as well.

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now