29.Silence Was My Friend

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Silence. Silence was my friend as I sunk deeper and deeper into the red carpet.

"Don't move," Master had instructed.

And I hadn't. My cheek itched, tickled by a scarlet fluff. My hard-on pressed against the velvety texture of the carpet and I subtly felt over the fuzzy sea of tufts.

Jack had left me there in silence. He's thinking. He's taking his time. We might get into a fight. But for now, silence was my friend. I got to remain Master's slave. And maybe he'll remain Master and we won't fight.

One soft clink later, a chilling gust of air washed over my naked body. It soothed those twinging, hot butt cheeks I so longed to have scorching with pain. Jack had opened a window.

Tick. Was that a lighter?

Soon the breeze brought a familiar fragrance with it. Cigarette smoke.

Ah, just one drag. That would have been nice. Pancakes. The word could have given me leave to light up a cigarette of my own and savor the intoxication it brought.

No. Master had said not to move. I trusted that Master would remember me eventually.

My heart drummed against the red sea enveloping my body.

Henry. No, don't think about Henry.

Jack's question festered. It spawned thorns of its own, but where they pricked I didn't bleed. It wasn't my fault Henry had his loyalties all mixed up.

My eyes shut tightly. Fuck, I'm a liar.

A deep breath filled my lungs with smoke-tainted air.

I've teased Henry. I've played with him for the sake of my hubris. And now I reap what I sow.

"Up," Master commanded.

That grazing scent of cigarette intensified and light thuds told of Master's approach.

I stirred, forcing my numb muscles to pose me up to standing. Legs apart, hands grasping my forearms against the small of my back, head straight and facing forward — the stance Master expected.

My breath quavered as I prepared to speak. Clearly, my uneasy tongue would butcher any words I'd try to utter.

Silence. Silence was my friend.

Shrouded in a veil of gray smoke, Master stopped in front of me. I watched his lips intently. He blew a cone of cigarette smoke at my face.

Every fiber of my being shuddered in awe. Fuck, what was I anticipating?

My gaze caught in the burning ember of his cigarette and I knew. My flesh yearned to meet that tip. Master would leave a scar so I'd remember how bad I'd been. My imagination flared with possible spots on my body where Master would choose to put out his cigarette.

"One puff," he said.

I looked up at Master and met his cold green stare. The cig placed at my lips, I took a drag and let it out lowering my head.


Words shattered under Master's kiss. My world crumbled and I didn't give a damn.

Fuck it, Mr.Finley! Wrap your arms around Jack, whisper sweet nothings to your adorable lover, and subdue his doubts.

My arms moved, ready to embrace him.


The order slashed across my knees.

Thud. I obeyed resuming proper posture.

"I'm allowing the use of your hands but you have three seconds to put my dick in your mouth. One."

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