31.Girl Talk

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'When can I see you again? <- I'm asking Jack, not you.' The last message I had sent to Donnie stared back at me from my phone screen.

No reply. But even if Jack had deemed me worthy of one, Donnie might have chosen to misplace it.

"You've barely touched your food," Mira observed as her hand lingered on the edge of my plate.

"I told you. I already ate before coming here." I put my phone away.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said smiling as pleasantly as I could.

She took the plate and stacked it on top of the others.

I had called Mira that day, but to my surprise Sean had answered and invited me over for dinner. At her place. Apparently my brother and Jack's wife had decided to move in together.

"Hey, uncle Steve, you're not going to eat your piece are you?" Tom asked in a hushed voice as he brought in the dessert.

"Is it dark chocolate?"

Brown cake squares in small plates, and Tom set one on the table in front of me. "Nope."

"Then you can have it."

"Awesomesauce!" He grinned and took his seat beside me.

"And stop calling me 'uncle Steve'."

Tom snickered stuffing his mouth with cake from my plate.

He had been the second surprise of the day. Bill's kid under Sean's guardianship.

"Incoming," I warned as Mira returned with two dessert pieces - for her and Sean.

The little rascal straightened up in his seat and I picked up the spoon.

"This thing is superb. I had no idea Sean's learned to cook-"

"Save it, sugar," Mira cut me off. "It's bought. Like everything else we've had today. Sean's just trying to impress you."

"Oh, well, the cake's still very good," I said amiably.

Mira's brows shot up and those blue eyes set on Tom. The boy grinned exposing his chocolate stained teeth. With a simper, I handed the spoon back to Tom.

"How about whiskey? You look like you could use a 'pick me up'," Mira offered and I nodded.

Sean entered with a large platter of small cookies.

"Hey! Where you guys goin'?"

I was about to follow Mira into the living room. "To get booze."

"Maybe not in front of the kid."

"Seriously, Sean?" I smirked amused.

"Not a kid. Geez!" Tom voiced his exasperation.

Eventually, we settled at the long and massive dining table.

Sean and Tom partaking in the sweet, while I and Mira partook in the ethanolic. Scented candles decorated the room and filled it with flowery aromas. Green and yellow made for a welcoming scenery, and the simplicity of the room felt comfortable. Or it might have been the alcohol.

"So what do you think about the trip, eh?" Sean queried.

Oh, yes. Jack, let's go on a skiing trip with my brother, your wife and the kid your line of work has left an orphan.

"I think Jack's too busy to go."

"Yeah, but you could convince him. Tell him you love to ski," Sean insisted.

Kairos - Blood (MxM) | Book 2 | ✅Where stories live. Discover now