49.The Choice

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My breath fogged the car window so I wiped it with the back of my bandaged right hand.

A row of fancy chrome letters loomed above glass double doors: GlovesOff. The building stood tall and dark against a gray sky, anchored in white mounds of snow on the sidewalk.

Abandoned. And the streets sprawled, frozen by the December harsh air and lonely with barely a soul to roam them.

"You can find out where he's moved headquarters, can't you?" I asked Henry, looking sideways at him.

The crease between his brows deepened. "I don't think it will be that easy, sir."

"Aren't you one of Jack's guys?"

His sweet gaze peered at me for a moment before he spoke, "Not so much these days, no."

My eyes averted from Henry. "You're more my guy now, eh? Is that what you're saying?" I looked back at my soldier and cupped his cheek as I went on, "But before anything else, you're a cop. So be a cop and find out the location of his new headquarters."

"Yes, sir," he uttered obediently but with a crooked smile, then closed his eyes, nuzzling his cheek against my palm.

"I'll never figure out why you play along, soldier."

His lips touched my thumb. "It's a choice." He turned to face the wheel and set a hand on it looking in front of the car. "A choice that gives meaning to an otherwise shitty life."

My soldier's jaw clenched and his lips pursed. With a scoff, he lowered his head.

"I didn't mean to sound so dramatic."

"It's fine. Maybe one of these days you'll tell me all about your shitty life. Your actual life," I said and patted his hand on the gearshift. "Now, drive." I glanced at the dashboard clock. "I don't want to be late."


Tea and scones, cinnamon and mint. Inviting fragrances filled the cafe where people spoke softly, laughed merrily and constantly sent their best wishes to one another. Red, white and green lights blinked to the cadence of words. Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! So good to see you! How's the family? Words that floated in gentle twirls and faded as if made of smoke.

Fuck, how I would have liked a cigarette right about now. But there was no smoking in this cafe and I had just gotten there.

"I was surprised you called," Prof.Lancaster said softly as he shook my hand in greeting.

"I was surprised you could see me, especially on Christmas day," I observed and took a seat facing him.

He smiled and ran his fingers over his salt and pepper beard. "It's my pleasure, Steve."

"No family time for Christmas?"

"My sister's come to visit but she's taken her kids and the husband to some winter fair so I have a couple of hours to spare."

"Thanks for sparing them with me then." No gratitude laced with my words but Prof.Lancaster didn't seem to notice or care.

"My pleasure! I hoped we'd get to have lunch or something sometime, anyway." He cleared his throat and shrugged, "As you well know. But you've declined my invitation the last time, and so vehemently too..."

"I have, haven't I?"

He smiled and fixed his gaze on mine, "Which leads me to believe that this is not a social friendly meeting."

My head shook and I took a moment to watch a young waiter bring us our order.

"It sounded urgent over the phone," Prof.Lancaster said clearing his throat.

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