Chapter 50- I left.

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Jakes POV-
Shit. They weren't supposed to know yet. No one was. God Erika is going to literally kill me.

J: SHHHHHH.... and yes. I was not supposed to tell you guys. I'm sorry.
Mak: What do you mean? How long have you guys known?
J: A couple of weeks.. She's about 2-3 months now.

Everyone was shocked. Then she came down the stairs again.

Erika's POV-
I heard someone scream "She's pregnant?" and my body was boiling. I can not believe he told them.
I walk downstairs and here him tell them i was 2-3 months.

E: Jake, Really? You were NOT SUPPOSE TO TELL
J: It was an accident.
E: mmhm sure. you have been pushing my buttons lately. First wanting to leave to Cali, Tessa, now this?
J: Erika, if you have a problem o think we should talk about it LATER
E: No Jake, there is not going to be a talk later, because i'm leaving.
J: And going where Erika?
E: Far away from here as possible.
Tessa: I can leave...
J: No Tessa, you stay. I invited you.

The room got quiet.
E: I'm leaving Jake. And i don't just mean from your house. I mean from you. I'm leaving you. And this shitty town.
J: What about the baby Erika
E: You just blew your chances.

With that I left.

Jakes POV-
My heart stopped and sunk into my stomach.
J: Uhm, thanks guys for coming. If you would actually like to be part of Team Ten text me and I'll have contracts and all that ready.
Chance: Yo Jake, you good?
J: Yeah bro. I just need some time to think.

Everyone left and i went up to my room.
I grabbed my phone to call Erika. She didn't answer.
I called her three more times. No answer.
Did she really walk out on me? Was she really going to keep me from seeing my baby? I teared up a little.
I got a text it was from Erika.

E: Stop calling me. I'm done with you. Have fun with your Team Ten. Don't come looking for me ever.
J: What about my baby Erika. You can't keep me from him/her.
E: I don't want MY baby growing up with a horrible father figure like you.

I threw my phone across the room. I fell on my bed and cried all night.

**** 2 years later ***
Jakes POV-
The crew and I have officially made it. We are pretty big on youtube and instagram. We are now Team Ten and have over 100milion followers all together.
I haven't heard from Erika. I've tried contacting her over the years but i'm pretty sure she got new contact info. But that not stop me from finding her and my child.

END OF THE BOOK GUYS! I AM STARTING A SEQUEL TO THIS BOOK COMING SOON! Maybe Tonight! If not for sure tomorrow! Thanks guys for all the support you gave this book❤️ I can officially say my first book was a great success.

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