Chapter 29-Here for you

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Erika's POV-
We walk in and I tell the man working, my name and ask if he could set up one extra spot because Alissa came.
We all sat at the table. Sitting at a circle-ish table was Chad, Sarah, Rocky, Tony, Chance, Tessa, Alissa, Me, Jake, Kade and then Mackenzie. The waiter took our orders and we began to talk.

Sarah: So Alissa... How's Cali?
Alissa: Omg it's so nice. Such a change from Ohio. The weather is different, the beaches are nice, and the people are happier.
Sarah: I've always wanted to go.
Rocky: We should all go during Spring break
Tessa: Omg i'm so down
E: Me too!
Mackenzie: Lets do it!

The boys looked at eachother and didn't wanna say they were down.
Tony, Chance, Chad, Kade and Jake were all kinda being funny about Alissa being back. Chance Tony Chad and Kade hated that she left Jake broken hearted. So they kinda didn't want her to be here. But She was close to Tessa and I. And the other girls liked her. So i didn't mind her. And if it wasn't for her leaving, Jake and I could've possibly never been a thing.
We talk a little more and our food get here. We eat and pay and leave.
We all said we'd chill at my place, since my dad wasn't home.
As we get to my house I start assigning rooms.

E: Okay there's 3 free rooms downstairs, 2 upstairs.
A: I can get the couch, if i need to?
E: So Chad & Sarah get one room, Tony and Rocky and Kade and Mackenzie get downstairs rooms.
Kade: Oh um.. Mackenzie and I cant stay long. We got a nice hotel room waiting for us.
E: Oh well Chance and Tessa can take the last room downstairs. Then Alissa you can have one of the rooms upstairs to yourself.

Everyone goes to their room and puts their things away. As i walk up to meet Jake in my room Alissa stops me.

A: Hey E, thanks a lot. For letting me back in so easy. I can tell the boys are holding back so emotions but you have been honestly the best.
E: Aw Lis.

I hug her.
E: I'll always be here for you.

I pull out of the hug and we walk back to our rooms. When i get inside Jake closes the door and grabs me by the waist and leads me to the bed.

E: Jake! Not now, we have to hang with everyone for a while.

Jake was kissing on my neck and chest. He moaned out a couple of words between the kisses.

J: I wanna hang out with you now.
E: Fine

It started to get hot and i took my shirt off. He slammed his lips into mine and we started to make out.
Then Alissa came in running through the door.

A: HEY RIK I JUST SA- Oh, my bad ..

She leaves and i push Jake off of me.

E: See! We should just wait until later, lets go downstairs and see what everyone's doing.
J: Fine!

I put my shirt back on and we walk downstairs and see everyone is done unpacking and are sitting in the couch.

Chance: So what now?
Tony: I don't know about y'all but i'm trynna SMASH

All the boys laugh and again Rocky playfully hits Tony in the chest.

T: Oh you like to play rough?
Chance: Should we just call it a night? Everyone do their own thing in their own room?
Alissa: Yeah we could all just hang tomorrow-

Chad cuts her off.

Chad: Alright see y'all tomorrow.
E: Please don't be to loud guys.. I don't wanna hear you upstairs.
Chance: Tessa, Rocky, Sarah.... She's talking to you.

We all laugh and go about our ways..

⚠️⚠️⚠️ SEXUAL CONTENT ⚠️⚠️⚠️

I lead Jake up to the room and lock the door behind him. I wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his hands on my ass and we smile at eachother.

J: Jump.

I jump on him and we make out a little. Soon he takes me to the bed and lays me flat on my back, still at the end of the bed. He took his pants off and i mine. Without breaking the kiss he started to reach his hand in my shirt and play with my boobs a little. I smile within the kiss.
Soon he climbs over me and lays beside me. I crawl on him and sit on him. I go back in for a kiss.

J: Best night ever

He finally says after we had been making out for 5 minutes. I pull back and smile. I look at him and take his shirt off & i pull my off again too.
Our bare skin was touching and rubbing and then i took my panties and bra off. Jake still has his boxers on.
He flipped us over and started kissing down my body. Little moans escaped from my mouth. I was rubbing the back of his head as he traveled further and further away from me.

Then a knock came at the door.
I jump under the blankets and Jake puts his boxers and shorts on to go see who was at my door...


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