Chapter 11- Bad Vibe

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Jakes Pov
When we got to chances house, we expected maybe 10 to 15 people, maybe even 20 at most. It was supposed to be a small party. But when we got there we saw people everywhere. Maybe half the school was there. I grabbed Erika's hand, before we got inside i had to tell her something.

J: We should have a safe word.
E: What do you mean 'safe word' ?
J: Incase... you feel like someone's creeping or feel uncomfortable. Just so we know to stick around eachother and stay cautious.
E: smart. What should it be?
J: Something not to common, but not to difficult to remember.
E: Red?
J: alright, red it is. Come one let's go inside.

Erika and I walk in and the music is loud and there a lot of drunk kids. I look at Erika in
confusion and she shrugs. We find the crew and say hi.

Tessa: Omg you guys are like an hour late.
Chad: Yeah, i thought y'all were going to bail.
Jake: No we got caught up
Erika: Yeah in traffic.
Anthony: But Jake lives 5 minutes from here.
Jake: Well, you know. Things happen.
Chance: Yeah, "things". *smirks* Anyways have fun guys, and keep out for the weirdos.

Erika looks at me and says she wants to dance.

E: Lets dance?
J: Alright lets!

We go on the floor and dance for a little while.

Erika's Pov-
As Jake and I were dancing i saw this girl staring at Jake. I shrugged it off the first time. Then i had to use the restroom.
I pulled Jake out of the dance floor.

E: I have to use the restroom. Don't leave me.
J: I won't *kisses her*

I go to use the restroom and when i come out i see that girl who was staring at Jake, talking to him now. I felt myself getting a little angry.
I walk over to Jake and the mystery girl and grab Jakes hand and smile at the chick.

J: Rik, this is Kelly. She's new to the school. And Kelly, this is my girlfriend, Erika.

I give a fake smile and say hi to this Kelly girl.

Kelly: Hey Erika, nice to meet you. I was talking to Jake, and he told me you were on the cheer team.
Erika: Yup i'm actually Captain. *says sarcastically*
Kelly: Oh... Well at my old school I was captain too. I was wondering if there was any way I could join the team. I know it's already late for making the team-
Erika: Yup, tryouts were two months ago. And football season is over. All we have now is basketball season. And we cut girls out for basketball season.

I could feel myself getting sassy, I don't know why.

Kelly: Oh well.. Okay. I guess i'll see you around.

Jakes Pov-
I could feel Erika's sassiness and i felt bad for Kelly as she walked away

J: Rik. what the hell?
E: what Jake?
J: You were being a bitch to her. She's new and just wanted friends.
E: Well she made me feel red.
J: You mean jealous? Erika, i think you're overreacting. I just met the girl. You should let her on the team.
E: I'm sorry? Since when did i take cheer advice from a football player?
J: Rik. Watch yourself.
E: Whatever i'm going with the other REAL cheerleaders. See you later.

When she turned around i grabbed her wrist.

J: Erika, stop acting like this.
E: Sorry can't hear you the music is too loud.

My mind just flipped when she denied me.
She was acting so weird. I went to talk to Kelly, and wanted to introduce her to Tessa since Erika told me she was Co-Captain.
I walk up to Kelly, as she's sitting alone.

J: Hey sorry about Erika. I'm not sure what's gotten into her.
K: It's fine. I get it. She probably thought i was hitting on you or something.
J: She's not usually a bitch, but there is someone i want you to meet.
K: Alright!

I take Kelly to Tessa.

J: Hey Tessa, can i introduce you to someone.
T: Sure!
J: this is Kelly. She just moved here.
K: Hi I'm Kelly.
T: Hi Kelly! I'm Tessa.
J: Tessa, Kelly was the cheer captain at her old school. I think she'd be a perfect fit for the team.
T: Really? That's great!! We need more girls, since we have to drop a lot after Football season.
K: Really? This would actually mean so much!
T: Of corse. Meet me after school by the bleachers on Monday so that we can talk more!
K: Thanks so much Tessa! *puts out her hand to shake Tessa's hand*
T: *looks at Kelly's hand and decides to hug it out instead* Don't worry Kelly! I'll be your first friend here.
J: You're amazing T. Thanks so much.

Just as i was going to go back to the dance floor, Erika stopped me.

E: Red. Jake, Red.
J: What's wrong babe?
E: I want to leave NOW!

With that she storms outside and I look at Kelly and say bye.

J: Sorry Kelly. i have to go! It's an emergency. I'll see you around.
K: Thanks so much Jake! For everything! See ya!

I leave and meet Erika in the car. As i'm
pulling out I look over at Erika and I see that she's mad, or sad i couldn't tell right now.

J: Erika *puts his hand in her thigh* What's wrong baby?
E: Nothing Jake, just take us to your house. Im sleepy.

She was lying.

Erika's POV-
I saw Jake and Kelly talking all night, and then i saw them talking to Tessa. My blood was boiling, i was so mad. Then i decided that i wanted to leave, so i made Jake take us to his house.
I didn't want to start a fight so when Jake asked me what was wrong, I told him i was tired.
I don't think he believed me. When we got to his house, we walked up to his room and i took off my makeup, brushes my teeth, and changed into a crop top and underwear. I jumped into Jakes bed, and waited for him to come and lay next to me.
Soon enough he did and we fell asleep, cuddling. But i couldn't stop thinking of that Kelly chick. She gave me a bad vibe.

OKAY SO MY BOOK NOW HAS OVER 200 READS OMG !!!! THANK YALL ALL SO SO MUCH! LOVE YALL! Also, Kelly is going to bring a lot of drama to the group! And she might break a couple of relationships up... Not sure, Just wanted to keep the story fun.

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