Chapter 6- I almost forgot.

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Jakes POV-
I woke up this morning and smiled because i had remembered what happened last night between me and Erika. It was cool that she was there for me, even if that was in a sexual way.
I get up and get dressed for my second day of school. After i finish getting ready it's about 8:30. I decide to text Erika to see if she wants to meet up before school.

J- Hey Rik. Wanna meet before school? To hang out (;
E- Goodmorning. And i'll meet you, but not to "hang out" I need coffee, and someone to hang with because Tessa is now getting rides from chance.
J- Mm, I'll pick you up in 20?
E- That's great, i'll send my address.
J- Okay Tricky Rik(;
End of Text.

I didn't know if i liked Erika just yet. I know i like her in bed, but nothing more. She was my best girl friend. She always understood me since we became friends, almost 2 years ago. I always seen her as my little sister, up until last night of corse.
Anyways i leave to pick her up because her house is about 5-10 minutes away from mine. Give it take, not including traffic.
I pull up to her house, and get off to knock on the door. I know her dads not home because his car isn't here. When i knock Erika opens the door and smiles.

J: Hey
E: Hey Jake.
J: Ready to go?
E: Yup, let me grab my backpack.

Erika's POV-
I wanted to talk to Jake about what happened so i was happy when he texted me this morning.

In car.

J: So how'd you sleep?
E: Great. Can we talk about what happened.
J: If you admit that you liked it.
E: Of corse i liked it Jake. But what i wanna know is why? Why did we do it?
J: What do you mean Erika?
E: Jake, I don't think I like you like that. I never thought more of you than a friend.
J: Pfffft, Well last night I was sure more than a friend.
E: Jake! I'm being serious!
J: Alright, Alright. To be honest, I think it was more 'pity' than a 'love' thing. It was meaningless sex.
E: Okay, good. Meaningless sex.
J: That i think we should continue.
E: Jake! No!
J: Why not Rik?
E: Because your my bestfriends ex boyfriend.

Jake & Erika orders their coffee

J: That's what I am to you? You're bestfriends ex-boyfriend? You and me where friends long before you and Alissa were friends.
E: No Jake that came out wrong. You're like my favorite guy in the group. But it would be wrong of us to continue, if we were still friends with Alissa.
J: Well we can do it, and not tell anyone. Common. You know you liked it *pecks her lips*

When Jake kissed my lips, I got butterflies. I don't know why. I hated that he made me feel like this. Alissa just left him yesterday. Is he with me just for the sex, or does he actually like me?

E: Yeah, well just because someone likes something, doesn't mean its good for them Jake.
J: But you gotta do what makes you happy everyday Rik.
E: Fine, but only if we both agree on not saying a word about this to anyone.
J: Deal.
E: i mean it jake
J: *grins and kisses Erika* Fine, cheer up cheerleader.

*They get to school and meet the gang*

Jake and I get to school and meet up with the gang by the gym.

Tessa: Hey guys, where have y'all been?
Jake: We stopped to get coffee.
Erika: Yeah, since you ditched me, i had to go with Jake.
Kade: And no one brought be anything? Wow
Erika: I'll take you out to lunch on Friday Kade.
Chance: Wait are you two.... a thing? *looks at Jake and Erika and smiles*

The whole group looks at them and comes to the same realization.

Erika: Really Chance. He just got heartbroken. What would make you think that?
Anthony: I mean you got a pretty BIG hickey on your neck and you were with Jake this morning so....

My eyes widened when Tony said i had a hickey. I forgot to check of that this morning.

Erika: It's not a hickey tony.
Chad: oh uh huh, then what is it?
Erika: I burned my neck with the curling iron this morning, you idiots!

Jake laughs.

Tessa: Why are you laughing Jake?
Jake: Huh? Oh nothing. Just a curling iron that must suck. Anyways *Looks at tony and kade* Lets start heading towards first.

****** A couple weeks later********

Jakes POV-
Today after school, I had to give Erika a ride home because she rode with me this morning again so i looked for her after the last bell rang.

Finds Erika.

J: Rik!
E: Hey, wanna hang?
J: Like hang, or Hang out? *Winks*
E: Jake, I meant like chill. Not 'hang out'
J: Fine. My place or yours?
E: Mine. My dad left for a couple of days so we won't be interrupted. *Walks with Jake to his car and gets in*
J: What are we gonna do that being interrupted is a bad thing? *Looks and grins at Erika*
E:*Hits jake in the arm playfully* Not that, Jake.
J: i mean you never know.
E: Jake....

We get to Erikas house and i follow her up to her room. Her room is big and neat. She has a queen sized bed, with a Big white blanket and gold pillows. Her room was all white with little gold details. It was clean. She pointed for me to sit on the bed.

E: I have to change.
J: Mm, so you need my help, you know.... getting out of your pants..
E: Haha Jake, you're so funny.

I walk over to her in her closet, which was almost the size of her room, and walk up to her and start to kiss her.

Erika's Pov-
Jake came up to me in my closet. I didn't have pants on, just my underwear and shirt with my bra underneath. He grabbed me and kissed me.

J: *Not breaking kiss* Jump.

I jump up onto my little dresser and he comes in between my legs. His hands start exploring and i stop him. I pull out of the Kiss.

E: Nice try. But we aren't doing that today.
J: Then what are we doing.
E: I wanna talk. Just see how you are doing. You know... with the whole Alissa situation.

Jake POV-
When she said Alissa's name, my smile left my face. I had totally forgotten about her, these past few weeks with Erika have helped me so much, in not hurting.

J: Oh yeah. I almost forgot about her.
E: Why?
J: You.
E: Huh?
J: These past few weeks have been fun with you. I almost forgot i was heartbroken.
E: Awe, Jake.

Erika pulled me closer to her and kissed me to help get my mind off Alissa. She always knew how to make me feel better We were there making out until i realized something.

J: Fuck Erika
E: What? You don't wan-
J: No not that.
E: Then What Jake?
J: I think i like you.

When i said that she let go of my arms and looked serious. I meant what i said, but the look she had in her face made me regret saying what i did. We were staring at each other for a couple of minutes until she finally said something.

E- Jake I-


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