Chapter 22- Party Favors

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Erika's POV-
I was cleaning up in Tessa's bathroom. Blood dripped from my face. It didn't hurt as much as it stung. I hear a knock at the door and i jump a little.

E: Who is it?
? : Open up

I open the door holding a piece of toilet paper to my cuts.
It was Jake. My heart sunk in my stomach. He came back. Although i was mad at him still, I felt so happy that he came back. I tried to play it cool.

E: Oh.

I turn back around and examine myself in the mirror. I can feel Jake staring at me.

E: Did you need something?
J: What do you mean? My girlfriend just got in a physical fight. I came to check in on you.
E: A little late for that Jake. You ran off the first time you had a chance.
J: I was mad. Upset. I just... I don't know.
E: Well so was i. This chick just starts accusing my boyfriend of making out with her at some party? Was it true?
J: God Erika.

There was a long pause.

J: No, Erika. It isn't true. Of course not. 
E: Better not be.

I walk over to him and he pulls me in for a hug.
I smile in his arms and he kisses the top of my head.
After a while Jake pulls out of the hug and grabs a damp towel and runs it across my scratch.

J: Its not deep. Just needs a bandaid.

He looks through the cabinets and finds one.
He opens it and carefully places it on me.
He kisses the bandaid and grabs my hand. We walk out with everyone else.

Chance: He's losing it bro.
Jake: Who?
Chance: Tony man. He's out there going crazy. Talking all kinds of mess.
Erika: What is he saying?
Chance: That Kelly was his only true love and we messed it up for him. Tessa is out there trying to calm him down.
Jake: I'll go talk to him..

Jakes POV-
I walk outside to Tony and Tessa sitting on her backyard porch.
I walk over to Tony and sit beside him.

J: You okay bro?
A: No man. She was the one. She was right for me. And your girlfriend had to go and screw it all up for me.
J: What? How did Erika do that?
A: It's obvious that Erika doesn't like her.

I cut him off

J: And Kelly didn't like Erika.
A: What? No bro. She wanted to be Erika's friend. That's all she wanted. Was friends.
J: I don't know man, Kelly called her a wuss and said some pretty awful things. She even accused me of cheating.
A: Nah, that doesn't sound like her.
Tessa: Look anthony, we've been friends for a while now, and you know id never lie to you, right?
A: Yeah...
T: Look at me.. Jake and Erika are telling the truth. She started a big altercation. She's no good.

I saw Anthony's eyes open wide as if he came to a sudden realization.

A: Well, I guess i should go apologize to Erika.
J: Don't worry tony, the right girl will come along.
T: Yeah, and I'll approve of her.

We all share a laugh and walk back inside. I go to Erika and Tony right behind me. I walk back behind Erika and Tony stands in front of her.

T: Rik... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything i said about you. I don't know why had gotten over me.
E: Aw Toner. *opens arms for a hug* Don't worry, a great girl will come your way soon.

We all sit on the couch and talk. Soon someone's phone rings.
It's Kades. He walks out the room and later comes back in.

K- Uh, Tony, Chad, Chance, Jake... Can i see you in the kitchen for a sec.

We all walk out the room leaving Erika & Tessa alone.
When we all get in the kitchen, Kade starts talking.

K: remember that thing i told you about.
A: What thing?
J: The green?
K: Yes! Keep it down

He was whisper yelling

Chad: Do you have some?
K: I have my girlfriend bringing some. Do you think the girls would be down?
Chance: I think I could convince them.
Chad: No way! Let me do it. I'm great at talking to them.

We all agree and head back to the room.
I sit with my head resting in Erika's stomach and in between her legs.
Chance sits by tessa and grabs her hands.

Chad: Okay so girls..
Tessa: Oh god......
Chad: What? You don't even know what i'm gonna say!!?
Erika: Yeah but when you start a convo with "Okay so girls.." We just know it can't be a good idea.

The doorbell rings.

Tessa: Who's that ?
Kade: I'll get it...... *whisper yells* Act fast Chad, It's here.
Erika: What's here?

I smile as i watch Chad and Kade hurry and have an almost scared face on.

Tony: Basically Kade brought a little party favor, and wants to know if your down to get high.
Tessa: What? High? What do you mean?
Jake: He's talking Mary Jane.

Erika slaps me on my chest.

Erika: Mary Jane? Who's she?
Chance: It's weed guys!

The girls look at eachother.

Erika: Can you give us a minute?
Tessa: Yeah we'll be in my room for a second

Erika's POV-
Tessa and I charged upstairs to her room.

Tessa: I've never smoked weed before Rik!
Erika: Neither have I T!
T: What do we do?
E: I kinda wanna try it.
T: I'm guessing the boys have already-
E: Yep.
T: So we're trying?
E: I am.
T: Okay i will too.

We run downstairs and see two more chicks.

Kade: Tessa, Erika.. This is my girlfriend MacKenzie.. And her friend Rocky.

Tessa and I shake both of their hands.

Erika: Hey girls.
Mackenzie: Hey Erika! I've heard so much about you and Tessa from Kade.
Erika: Good things I hope. 
Rocky: All good things.

We all look over at the boys who are now outside rolling.

Tessa: So howd you and Kade meet?
Mackenzie: I'm photography class. He looked so cute holding a Cannon EOS 80D. Ugh, he's so cute.
Erika: Aw haha. And how about you Rocky? Are you single? Dating??
R: Well i'm single, but Kade was telling me about Anthony. Which one is he.

Tessa and I point to tony.

T: The one in a blue hoodie.
E: He's a great guy. Big heart, and he isn't ugly.
R: He is cute.

I was happy. Finally a girl for Tony. Someone both Tessa and I liked..

The boys came in with rolled ones for us.

Kade: Now, Tessa and Rik share one. It's y'all first times and we don't want anything to get to crazy.
Jake: Although their pretty strong girls. They can probably take on a good blunt. Maybe even two.

He said sarcastically.

I decided that I will upload everyday. I may be very busy but that never stopped a champ. I will take time tomorrow and upload. Promise. Thank y'all for all the support.
Keep reading. Ily guys.

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