Chapter 33- About the Fight.

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Jakes POV-
Did she really just ask that?

J: No Erika, what the fuck?! I don't love her? I love you. Do i not make that clear?
E: Then what? Why have you been actin weird since "Alissa" ?
J: Because last time i saw her, she broke my heart. Look i know we're way past that but she was my first high school love Erika.

I look away trying not to cry. It took every bone in my body not to shed a tear. I didn't want Erika to see me this weak. Over a chick? How awkward would that be? Your boyfriend crying over his ex.
I overcame my tears and i turned back towards Erika. She placed her hand on top of mine and rubbed my hand in comfort.

E: Look Jake, it's okay to be sad.

I cracked a fake smile. She placed her head on my shoulder and I placed my head on top of hers. We sat like this until we got to the very top of the fairs-wheel. Once we got to the top Erika lifted her head up.

E: Who knew Cleveland could be so pretty at night?
J: Not as pretty as you.

She blushed and kissed me. The rest of the ride was perfect. As we got off Chance and Tessa wanted to go home so we all left back to Erika's house.
Once we got there Tessa asked Erika if they could stay another night and Erika didn't mind. We parted to the rooms as we said goodnight to eachother.
Once Erika and I were in the room she pulled her shorts off and jumped in her bed.
There's still a lot of sexual tension between us. I want her so bad right now. I debate if i should make my move or not. I take my shirt off and put on some sweats pants. I climb next to Erika who is fast asleep.
I put my arm around her and she snuggles into my chest. I smile and we fall asleep in each other's arms.
I absolutely love this girl.

*******Thursday Morning************
Erika's POV-
I was in the car with Jake this morning, It's the last day of school. I was so ready to graduate. Jake and I have been talking a lot about plans after school. He says he wants to start up a company. A company full of young influencers that help eachother grow. He doesn't have a name for it yet, but i'd definitely be down to help him make it come true.
We arrive at school and Jake takes his hand off of my thigh and i sigh softly. He looks at me and chuckles and kisses my cheek.
We walk into the school together and meet up with the Gang.

Tessa: Guys! We are almost done!!
Tony: So close man
Rocky: What classes do we have today?
Erika: It's a half day & just home room.
Chad: Oh we all have that together lit.
Jake: We should probably get going.

We all headed to home room. When we got in there there were a couple of people sitting at our table.

Chance: Oh hell no. They gotta move.
Tessa: Chance, Just calm down. If we ask nicely they might move.
Tony: No, we know these guys. They don't need to be spoken to nicely.
Jake: Lets go talk to them.

We all move but then Jake stops us.

Jake: I meant Tony Chance Kade Chad and I
Erika: Hmm, alright?

The boys walk over and soon enough punches were being thrown.
I knew this was going to happen. I just didn't want it to. I had hoped that Jake and the boys could make this civil. But they didn't.
Some girl started hitting both Chance and Jake so i charged at her without thinking.
Tessa tried to chase after me but i was in rage mode.
I grabbed the girl and pulled her off of Jake and down to the floor. She was pulling my hair so i smacked her hand and then threw a couple of punches at her. She still was only grabbing on to my hair.
This led on for a couple of minutes before a couple of coaches came and separated all of us. We were all sent to the principles office.
Jake Chad Tony Chance Tessa Kade and I were all sent together in one office and the other guys went to another office. The coaches sat us in the room and we waited for an administrator to come in and talk to us.

Tessa: Who were they?
Chance: A couple of jerks from the basketball team.

Jake turns and looks at Tessa and I.

Jake: Why did you two get involved. I clearly said for you to stay back.
Erika: Well some both was on you, And i wasn't gonna let you hit her so i had to take her off of you. And tessa chased after me.
Chance: There was a chick on me too.
Erika: It was the same girl who i fought. she was on all of y'all.
Tony: damn rik.
Tessa: who was that girl?
Chad: Basically the basketball hates us.
Tessa: Because you're the football team?
Chad: Basically. And the captain is Ricky Banks & The other captain is Bryan Le. Then there's Charles and a couple of other kids. The girl is Bryan's girlfriend. Sommer. She's a total bitch.
Erika: She fights like one too. She literally grabbed my hair the whole time.

Just then the principle walked in.
She basically said that we could've almost missed walking the stage but that since it was the first time we'd just get saturday school.
We all left and went back to home room...
I guess the basketball kids were sent home because they weren't there...


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