Chapter 31- Contain Myself

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Erika's POV-
The note on Alissa's bed read-

Thanks for letting me stay and not being weird about it. I had a lot of time to realize a couple of things last night. For one, the guys absolutely hate my guts. Two, I don't belong here anymore. And three, i always know to count on you. I'm headed back to Cali tonight. Maybe one day you can come fly out with me. Thanks for everything E. Best of wishes to you and everyone. Love you all, no matter what.

She was gone. Just like that. I was kinda sad that i didn't say goodbye. I felt a little guilty too. But I knew someday we'd reunite.
I take the note and slip back into my room and shove the note in vanity.
When i walk out my bathroom, Jake gets out of bed and walks my way. I stay still.
Our eyes meet and we smile. He picks me up and takes me to the bed. He lays me down and climbs in and cuddles me. His head is now on my chest and his hands wrapped around me. My hands are playing with his hair and stroking his back.

E: I'm still sore from last night.
J: That means i did my job.

We both chuckle. We lay like this for about 20 minutes until we hear a loud crash downstairs.
Jake puts a shirt on and we both go downstairs.

Chance&Tessa: Hey guys.
E: What was that?
Chance: What was what?

Tony and Rocky storm out the room too.

Tony: We heard something
Jake: Why are you still naked tony?
Tony: Nevermind that Jake, Why did i hear a loud crash?

We all turn to look and Chance and Tessa.

Tessa: You know, we were just about to cook, and the pots fell..

She wasn't to convincing but everyone went along with it.
Tessa, Chance and I started cooking breakfast for everyone.
Once we finished we all sat down and ate.

Tony: So what are we doing today?
Tessa: We could go to the new carnival that's in town?

Everyone agreed.

Chad: Oh well Sarah and I have plans with her family.
Jake: Oh parents?
Chad: C'mon guys, I am not.
Chance: If there was a picture in the dictionary under the word 'whipped' it'd be if you chad.

Chad laughs loud and we ask laugh at his laugh.

Tessa: Wait, where's Alissa?

All the boys quiet down and look at eachother.

Erika: She left this morning. Had a family emergency or something.
I lied because i didn't want the boys to know why she really left. Soon we clean up and head to the rooms to get ready for the carnival.
Jake picks me up and takes me over to the bed.

J: Wanna hang out?
E: Id love to, but for one, i'm still sore af and two: i have to get ready. Maybe a little later.

I cup my hands on his face and he pouts. I kiss his soft lips. He kisses back and oh god he's such a great kisser. This kiss lasted a while before Tony burst in and yells that we are leaving in an hour.

J: He always ruins our moments.
E: He really does.
J: Now where were we-

He leans in for another kiss/makeout sesh but i place my finger in his puckered lips.

Hanging OutOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz