Chapter Twenty eight

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Hello Friday! I've been waiting for you for a long time.

I was walking in the hallway with my guys. It was break time and we were on our way to cafeteria when I saw Jessica and her group of chickens.

"Jerome." It was more of a greeting than calling my name.

"Jessica," I greeted back with a fake smile. She looked surprised. Mumu doesn't know it's fake.

"So are you going to cafeteria?" she inquired.

Bayo scoffed. In his mind, I know he's saying, "Ask my ass."

"Yeah. Are you?" I asked too.


So, together we walked to the cafeteria. As soon as we entered the cafeteria, all eyes were on us, they were surprised seeing us together. If only you guys know what I'm using her for, you would stop looking at me like that.

And of course, I didn't miss glint of surprise and hurt in Jummy's eyes before she turned to Henry and started laughing at whatever the idiot was saying.

I know she only did that to tell me she's having a great time without me. Great time, indeed.

I winked at Chioma.

It's left for Chioma to do her part. But that's not all.

PS: my friends know about my plan.


(A/N: Yeah,you read right,it's Chioma POV. We need to know what's she's doing)

Jerome walked in with Queen bitch by his side and they sat down together. Finally! I've been waiting.

Henry was telling Jummy about one of his childhood experiences which wasn't funny at all.

Everybody turned to look at them when Jerome walked in.
Everyone including Jummy and Henry.

I looked at them. In Jummy's eyes there was hurt, anger and jealousy. In Henry's eyes......well, he was glaring at Jerome.

Jummy that wasn't laughing before just started laughing at what Henry was saying which wasn't even funny. We both looked at her like.......'are you okay?'

"Who does this Jerome think he is? He just walked in like he owned the school,"  Henry tsked.

"FYI, his uncle owns the school." I told him.

"What do I care?"
Ask me one more time! I mentally rolled my eyes.

FYI, I don't really like Henry like that. I don't hate him but I don't like him. I'm just hanging.

He's trying to contend with Jerome. Pfft, he's no match for Jerome. Jerome can rip his neck off his head in just a split second.

My part of the plan was to make Jummy think Jerome and Jessica are dating. You won't understand why we are doing this, but later you will.

"He now even walked in with Jessica like newly wed couples."  Jummy finally spoke.

"Ahn ahn, are you jealous?" I asked. Although I already knew the answer.

"Me? Jealous? Of what? Why should I be jealous? Is he my boyfriend? Are we dating?"

Please, how many questions are there in the sentence?

"Am I supposed to answer those questions or is it rhetorical?" I asked.

"Na you sabi," she rolled her eyes. (That's your business)

"I overheard them talking......." I started.

"Who?" Henry asked.

"Jerome and his friends...."

"What were they talking about?Jummy was quick to ask.

Somebody is overly concerned and inquisitive.

"Well......Jerome was saying he was gonna apologize to Jessica for being harsh to her."

"Why?" Jummy asked.

"He said Jessica was the first girl he crushed on and his first girlfriend and she occupies a space in his heart. He sounded like he was thinking of dating her again."

Then, I saw it. The hurt and anger in Jummy's eyes. It flashed like NEPA light. The only difference was that it stayed longer than the flash of NEPA.

(A/N: Only true Nigerians can understand)

"Why would he do something like that?" Jummy asked angrily.

"I dunno. First crush always leaves an indelible mark in your heart."

This time,it didn't flash like NEPA light. It stayed there and I'm sure I saw tears in her eyes or maybe it's my imagination.

Suddenly, I felt guilty, but then again, I'm doing this for her. I really want Jerome and Jumoke together. They are the perfect match.

Jummy averted her eyes to Jerome's table. There, they were laughing. But, I knew it was fake.

In her Jessica's mind now,she's thinking she has Jerome back, bitch doesn't know she's been used. Jessica looked at Jummy and smirked. Henry scoffed, Jummy eyed her furiously.

"Two of them fit each other," Henry said.

Who put this one mouth inside?

The bell went for break over and we all left the cafeteria with Jummy walking ahead of us.

Henry looked at me and asked. "What's wrong with her?"

"How should I know?"

Well, my part is done. Let's see what Jerome has in store.

To me, this is kinda childish. Anyways, when you have a big crush on someone, you do stupid things.



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