20 August 2010, 1:20PM Rant about sexuality.

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Hello Wattpad, I know it's been a long time since I've been on here, but I suppose that i'm just WAY too lazy to log on.

One thing you'll find out about me is that I get bored very quickly, and that means that I rarely ever finish my stories unless it's only a short story.

Though, I'm working on one that i'm committed to finishing. It's a sort of Colab project that I'm working on with a friend of mine who writes like the apprentice of an angel.

It is going to be about my favorite horror creature ever... NO IT'S NOT FUCKING VAMPIRES. (Vampires are cool, but seriously calm the shit down with the freaking vampire stories)

It's going to be about ZOMBIES!

It is going to be a horror/suspense/action story.

anyway away from my shameless self promotion.

I woke up at like 6:00A.M. today :/

I haven't done that since High school... I was so tired I almost died trying to walk down the steps.

Ya know... One thing that REALLY irritates me is the mistreatment of sex.

Sex is not some disease that you should completely eradicate from the minds of children, nor is it something to be taken lightly.

A person's body is not something disgusting that should be looked upon with disdain, a body is something amazing, and so is sex.

No i'm not a pervert, but neither am I a prude who looks upon those who have sex on a daily basis with a up-turned nose.

Sex is not something to be embarrassed about, though neither is it something that should be given out to anyone that might want it.

tl;dr: Don't shy away from sex, but don't be promiscuous either.

I for one am sexually frustrated :/

I am 19 and have not any sort of sexual contact with my girlfriend of almost 3 years. Though the fact that she's only 17 deters me in ways that are only common sense.

I'm going to take my own advice and say that I would LOVE to do sexual type things with her, but I don't.

I am not going to shy away and say something like "Sex is something reserved for married couples who are trying to conceive children and is not to be had for any other purpose"

Though neither am I the kind of person who would go around at say something like "I just wanna fuck"

I love my girlfriend and am perfectly contented to wait for 3 more years if that's what it takes, but i'm not going to lie. When that 3 years comes, I will enjoy it.

It bothers me that her mother always assumes that if she leaves us alone for more than 1 minute that when she comes back her daughter will be impregnated...

Like it's my mission to get her pregnant...

Like all I want from her is sex...

it's fucking insulting is what it is...

Would I really HONESTLY stick around for almost 3 years if all I wanted was sex?

I could be out having sex with girls left and right.

Believe it or not... and it's actually pretty hard to believe :/

But I don't, because I LOVE her daughter. it is not my mission to have sex with her or to get her pregnant.

Actually I would prefer to wait until she is 18 if not older. That's not to say that when we do happen to have sex that I won't enjoy it.

That is also not to say that I will enjoy waiting until then.... THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I AM A MASOCHIST OR SOMETHING!

In conclusion: Have sex and enjoy it, but don't be stupid about it...

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