14 November 2010: Today was a shitty day.

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Today was a shitty day. Shitty seems to be the dominant description of my life as of late. :/

I missed her more than usual.

I know I get depressing, but if I were to keep in inside then I would probly end up overdosing on sleep meds because sleep is the only time that I don't think about her.

I dream about her, but that is wonderful. 

In my dreams I can be with her in every way i've ever wanted. 

In my dreams I can be with her in a physical sense.

In my dreams I can be with her in the emotional sense.

In my dreams I can just plain old spend time with her.

I find it extremely ironic that people who are in relationships for a few weeks or months and then break up get to see eachother every day. Do you think that they really love each other?

I don't.

Yet I've found someone I would give my entire life to no matter what and I only see her about 6 times a year. I really hope that we move soon so that I could get a damn job.

A job would make EVERYTHING easier.

I could pay for my school.

I could pay for a new car.

a new car... jeez, you have no idea how much I need that.

If I had a car, I could be going to school right now.

If I had a car, I could be driving to and from work.

but I need work to get a car so that I can drive to work.

I need school to get a good job that will pay for a car.

I need a job to pay for school.

I cant have one without the other. But I need the other to get one or another.

Fuck you. Fuck me. skhfoasdfhasodfhafdsgahfdss

I'm going to go to sleep now. Hoping I'll either have a dream with her in it or a nightmare that has zombies in it. 


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