Personal Blog/Journal/Whatever the Hell you wanna call it.

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I suppose this is more of a journal, or blog, or whatever you wanna call it, rather than a story. And please forgive my spelling, i know it's not the best in the world haha.

You know... I hang around a few of these sites, like, this site, and others, and everysingle one of them is filled with some form of the same story.

"I'm the extremly shy or extremly outgoing girl who doesn't like guys, until the new guy shows up, and guess what! He's a demon-werewolf-vampire-angel who tries to act tough, but has a heart of friggen gold!"

I think i've read just about every variation on how the girl gets the guy in the end though seriously deadly circumstances and they live happily for all eternity.


Myself, personally, I understand the message of these stories. "I want love, and i imagine this is how perfect it should be."

But please... please... be a tad bit original... and i don't mean original as in instead of sparkling when vampires go into the sunlight, they turn into werewolves. Just please... some slight originality would be nice.

I know not all of my stuff is SUPER original, but at least I try, though i admit to throwing the occasional vampire-angel-demon-werewolf just to make it something little girls will read...

Because I want someone to read my crap, I want to feel important, and i'm man enough to admit it!

So if you sat through all this crap, go sit through my crap, and leave me some comments!

oh and if you know how to add chapters to something, please let me know....

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