Bonus Chapter

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Seung Jo had been getting on her nerves lately. Being extra lovey, cuddly, naughty, and hovering over her.

As she cooks dinner for them she glances over to again find Seung Jo staring at her before he turns away quickly. For the past few weeks he's been acting weird like this. She puts the cooking spoon down and goes over to where he sits with their two year old son on the sofa.

"Any reason in particular you're treating me like you are going away to military service?" She asks

He feigns ignorance "What do you mean?" Aylea rolls her eyes "You have been practically smothering yourself in your sleep to hold me so tight, every move I make you watch, and" she glaces at Dong Woo "You act like you're trying to get me pregnant." She points an accusing finger at him.

His face twitches at that and he glances away for a split second. Aylea's eyes widen in disbelief "You are!" She yells out. Seung Jo opens his mouth to defend himself then closes it before speaking "I am not. We already have Dong Woo, why would we need another perfect adorable baby preferably a girl?"

Her eyes turn to slits "Listen here mister..." she pokes his chest "We aren't having another kid any time soon. So you can just relax with all this extra ness and enjoy Dong Woo." She goes back to cooking leaving Seung Jo to pout.

Dong Woo looks up at his father and smiles. Seung Jo lifts him in the air "Mommy is a meanie right? But that's okay. I'll get you a little sister very soon okay?" Dong Woo giggles and kicks his little legs happily "Okay daddy!"


" did you get any notes for me?" Aylea asks the front desk. The receptionist there smiles and nods "Yes I did get this for you." She hands her an envelope and Aylea sighs slightly taking it and thanking the woman.

She opens the envelope and takes out the small stack of papers, reading it over quickly and closing her eyes to contain her annoyance. "Sly bastard..." she bites her lip and stuffs the paper back into the envelope, folding it and shoving it in her lab coat pocket.

Her phone rings and hearing the ringtone and snatches it out of her pocket and answers quickly. "Yes?"

Seung Jo's smile can be felt through the phone "Hello my love, Dong Woo and I are on our way to have lunch with you."

She immediately questions his motives. "Okay...tell me when you get here." She hangs up and goes down to the emergency room to see a patient that needed a psych evaluation. After recommending the patient come back in two days for a follow up, Aylea heads back upstairs. Getting off the elevator she smiles as she sees Dong Woo thanking the nurse for a piece of candy he gave him, Seung Jo watching their son with pride.

"Hey my loves." Aylea picks Dong Woo up and he smiles happily hugging her around the neck. "Let's go get lunch." Seung Jo follows her to the cafeteria and after getting their lunch they sit at a table.

"How is work so far?" Seung Jo asks as he feeds Dong Woo a piece of chicken. "Good. Went to see my doctor today."

He hums "What did she say?" He asks looking up. She takes the envelope out of her pocket and slides it over to him. He opens the envelope and reads over its contents. "Really?!" His eyes brighten.

"You seem surprised." She eats a spoonful of rice. "I am," He insists "Happily surprised. Aylea this is amazing news. Dong Woo gets a little sister, our parents get another baby to spoil, and you can take off work a little more so I get to pamper you."

Unable to keep up her annoyed expression, she rolls her eyes and smiles. "I guess. But I hope it's another sweet boy like Dong Woo." She pinches the boys cheek gently and he giggles. Another baby? Looks like it's time for an adventure. "I'll take it easy at work but I won't take off until later on like last time. I go crazy being home all day."

Seung Jo watches her feed Dong Woo with a fond smile on his face. He loved his little family with all his heart and would do anything for them. News of another baby on the way made his heart swell with love and joy. Nothing could be more perfectly imperfect than his family.

😭😭 I think this is the last chapter.

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