Twenty Eight

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"Just go in and do the short exam. I'll buy you ice cream. " Aylea smiles "Plus I can't stress. It's bad for the baby."

Na Ra rolls her eyes "You little thing...Fine." She takes the charts and goes in the room. Aylea stands at the door to listen in. Na Ra goes down the list of questions with Mr Choi, asking him the normal questions.

"Do you know why you were admitted?" Na Ra asks him. He grunts a bit. "I passed out. My wife made them put me In here. That's what they told me." He says. "Do you remember what caused you to pass out?" She asks.

Aylea listens closely. "Apparently it was stress. My son, his girlfriend who I was so accepting of, went and cheated on him with the sponsor of his business. And then those idiot sponsors pulled their money from his business." Mr Choi speaks with venom. Na Ra pauses, taken aback by this. Aylea's mouth drops open. What the hell?

"Did your wife tell you this?" Na Ra asks quietly. "Yes, she was so hurt by it." He sighs. "My poor boy. He really loved her." Na Ra nods, "I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be going now. Get some rest sir." She leaves quickly, closing the door. Aylea seethes.

"Calm down Aylea...I'm sure there's some explanation for this." Na Ra winces at the anger on her friends face. "What explanation? She doesn't like me. She's trying to get rid of me. Simple as that. So she lies and goes as far as to risk her husbands health to ruin me and Seung Jo. Even after she knew I was pregnant." She turns and walks off.


After the Mr Choi reveal, Aylea had gone to her own doctors appointment. The baby was fine and was growing nicely. At the end of her first trimester, she was clear of any real miscarriage risks. She smiles down at the Ultrasound of her almost 2 inch baby. "You'd better look like me." She grins, going Inside Seung Jo's shop.

Immediately a scent hits her, making her hungry. She greets the girls at the counter, going to the back in the kitchen. Rubbing her achey back a bit, she glances around to see what that smell was. Ah, bacon. Sizzling on the stove. Seung Jo looks up and smiles, going over. "How are You feeling?" He asks.

"Mmm Achey and tender. And I smell bacon." She glances around him at the skillet again. "Lets get you seated and comfortable then." He guides her upstairs to his apartment "I'll go get you bacon from downstairs. You just relax." He kisses her head.

She sits on the sofa, laying back across it with a yawn. "Aylea?" She startled awake at her name, having dozed off in that short time. She sits up and smiles at the plate of bacon presented to her. Taking it, she picks up a piece and eats it in absolute bliss. "How was your doctors appointment?" Seung Jo asks, sitting beside her.

"It was good. Little monster is growing nicely." She smiles, pulling the Ultrasound out of her purse and showing it to him. Taking it with a big grin, he looks it over. "Looks like me already." He jokes, earning an amused eye roll from Aylea.

Aylea puts the plate down on the small table, turning to him. "What are We going to do Seung Jo?" She takes his hands in hers. "I haven't gotten it all figured out yet. But we're going to be together. And raise this child together. And no one is going to make me change my mind about that. Or about loving you." He pulls her closer and kisses her softly.

She kisses him back, she'll tell him later. This time between them is precious. No stress, Just love affection and a baby on the way.

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