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"So we can have authentic Korean food now. Go to one of those really cool movies. And see cute guys on the street." Nicole grins  when they finish another episode of a Korean drama. They had stayed inside most of the morning.

Aylea laughs "Yes we can, so far I've just be working and studying so I haven't had much time to explore. But Sundays are my day off so I try to sleep mostly." She admits. Rumina nods "Well today we'll have fun."

As SHINee starts playing out of nowhere, Aylea blushes and quickly pulls her phone out of her pocket and answers. "Hello? Na Ra...ah yeah! You should come over, my friends from America are here."

Nicole and Rumina stare and giggle, hearing Aylea suddenly talk in Fluent Korean. The two were well versed in Korean enough but Aylea knew more as her job required it. Aylea hangs up and smiles "My friend and Coworker is coming over. She's super chill."

Nicole puts her hand on her hip "Are you cheating on me, wifey?" She snaps her fingers playfully. "Yes, and she's totally my type too." Aylea lays back on her carpeted floor. "She actually doesn't live to far from here. She should be over soon. We can order lunch when she gets here."

"Oooooooooh what are we eating?" Nicole asks. Aylea hands them a menu from Seung Jo's restaurant "I've had a few different things, they're all really good." Nicole and Rumina nod, looking over the menu. After a few minutes, the door bell rings and Aylea rolls up and goes to answer it "Na Ra, come meet my friends!" She drags the girl over.

Na Ra laughs and goes over to them, bowing politely, "Annyeonghaseyo, dangsin-eun eotteoseyo?"

Nicole and Rumina blink at her, glancing between Aylea and Na Ra. "Omo! I am very sorry. It is nice to meet you." Na Ra says in English slowly, unsure of it a bit but feeling bad for assuming they spoke Korean. Her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Aylea shoots them a glare as the two girls crack up giggling "We were joking, we speak Korean. Sorry for lying to you." They say in Korean.

Na Ra drops onto the floor dramatically "You two have the same humor as Aylea, I can see why you're friends." She grins. Aylea sits next to her "Na Ra, this is Rumina who I call Ha Ni, and this is Nicole who I call my Esposa. Guys this is Na Ra." She introduces them. They all smile at each other before deciding to place their orders.

Aylea calls Seung Jo's number, a little shyly. Na Ra points at Aylea behind her back and makes a kissy face to Nicole and Rumina. The two girls grin and lean forward to hear the conversation.

"Hello?" - at the sound of his deep voice, Aylea nearly melts. But she has to keep face in front of her friends. "'s Aylea...this is Seung Jo?" she says playing with the carpet with her free hand.

"Aylea? Are you placing another order?" She can hear the smile in his voice, the sound of pots and such in the background. " friends and I would like..." she lists off the order from the menu. As the line is quiet her eyes widen a bit "Hello?"

"Yes, sorry I was writing it down. And the delivery address?" He asks. She recites her address to him and he makes a small noise of surprise "That's right across the street almost."

She nods as if he could see her "It is. "
"It'll be maybe thirty minutes. I will have it right up for you." Her face spreads into a happy grin at the prospect of seeing him again. "Thank you Seung Jo."

"Not a problem. Oh and Aylea, you don't have to be so formal with me." He says, addressing her use of honorifics with him. She feels herself blushing "Um...okay...Seung Jo oppa." Her free hand goes to her face quickly. However, her eyes dart to Rumina and Nicole who squeal in near silent excitement. Na Ra was basically leaning on her to hear the conversation and moves back when Aylea turns to glare at her.

"See you in thirty minutes." Seung Jo says and they end the call. "Kotoko! You found your Naoki Chan! And his name is Seung Jo!" Rumina laughs in excitement. The three girls all talk about Aylea's future wedding and food babies while Aylea tries to contain her reactions and her blush from them. This of course just makes them try harder.


Nicole and Rumina had forced Aylea to tame her hair and wash her face. Na Ra puts tinted lip gloss on Aylea's mouth and sprays a tad bit of perfume on her wrists. "Wear this!" Rumina tosses her a shirt to replace her pajama shirt as her tights were fine. "Guys I'm not going on a date." Aylea huffs as she puts the shirt on.

Ding dong ding

Aylea snaps her neck towards the door in terror "He's here! All of you on the couch! Now!" She checks herself in the mirror before going to the door and opening it. She smiles when she sees Seung Jo "Ah, you're here. Let me go get my wallet." She turns and goes inside her bedroom to get her money.

Rumina Nicole and Na Ra sit on the couch and wave at him with mischievous grins "Got a thing for our friend?" Na Ra questions. Seung Jo looks down with a small smile before looking up "Yeah, I think I do. Something is pulling me towards her..."

Nicole Looks him over "What do you do exactly? My friend is a doctor after all..." she shrugs. He laughs at that, "I own this restaurant and another just like it."

Na Ra nods " make good money? Lots of costumers? Got a car?" She questions him. "Ueh, yes. To all three things." He glances at the door she retreated to, Not uncomfortable but rather seeing her more. "Here we go, what's the total?" She comes out and goes over to him, pulling out money.

Seung Jo names a ridiculously low price. Aylea blanks "Huh? Is that with an employee discount?" She furrows her brow with how low it was. He nods "Yes, employee discount."
"Huh..." she shrugs and gives him the amount he stated. "Thank you Seung Jo...oppa." She blushes. Seung Jo feels his heart beat a little faster hearing her say his name that way and seeing her shy smile. "No problem." He ruffles her hair playfully and turns to leave.

All three friends rush to the door to see him walk off, Aylea smiles as she watches. "He's got a nice butt." She muses. They all giggle and go inside closing the door.

Let the romance rumbbbleeeee

This drama needs a song

A song by Taemin


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