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•Three Months Left•

"So, have you started on your research paper yet?" Ki Bum asks Aylea. She puts her sandwich down and groans "Kind of?" She looks out the window of the sandwich shop longingly. Her and Ki Bum had agreed to meet up and help each other focus on studying. But she so wanted to just go nap.

"Aylea." He snaps in front of her face and she startles back to reality. "Huh?" She looks at his deadpan face. "Sorry...I started it but it's not...good. Like none of it. So I'm going to delete all that I have." She sips from her drink. He nods "I still don't know if the question I have is what I want to perSue or not...I mean I really am curious about it but do I want to write a paper on it?"

She snorts "TOK all over again..." she mutters in English. "Huh?" He raises a brow and she shakes her head with an innocent smile "Nothing. Just thinking aloud. I think your question is really good. And you should do it. You're so smart you could write about anything and score the highest marks." She says honestly.

Ki Bum scratches his cheeks bashfully "You're such a good little sister." He reaches to pinch her cheeks but she bites at him "Don't you dare." She shoots him a look before they both laugh and finish their sandwiches. "Lets go back so we can finish our thesis paragraphs." She stands and Ki Bum follows.


Aylea takes her phone out of her purse as it rings at the bus stop. "Yes?" She hums into the phone, not really looking at caller I.D. "Aylea," she smiles at hearing Seung Jo's voice.

"Are you busy today?" He asks her. "No, I'm free the rest of the day." Her smile widens. "Good! Do you want to come to the park with me? I have spring rolls." He asks hopefully. She pretends to think "Hmmm...yes." She giggles "I'm actually not far from the park. So I'll meet you there."

After insisting he didn't have to pick her up for such a small distance, Aylea walks the few minutes to the nearby park. Seung Jo waits at the entrance for her "Were You waiting long?" She asks going to him. He smiles down at her "Any wait is worth it for you." He kisses her forehead before taking her hand "Lets find a spot." Aylea nods "Okay."

They find a nice spot of grass to sit in and Seung Jo puts the food in front of them "So how is school and work going?" He asks.

Aylea sighs "Work is fine. I enjoy it a lot. But school...it's driving me crazy." He grins "Well it's a good thing you're a doctor right? You can treat yourself."

She snorts and turns her head to hide her smile "You're ridiculous..." He grins "Ah you think I'm funny though." He leans to see her face. "Nope." She shakes her head stubbornly and yelps when Seung Jo starts to tickle her.  She falls back laughing, grabbing his hands to stop him "Okay okay, you're funny!" She giggles and he stops, a victorious smirk on his face.

Seung Jo watches her catch her breath, her hair splayed out in ringlet curls about her head. Her eyes glisten slightly from the tears of laughter. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on. And he wanted nothing more than to kiss her full plump lips. And so he did.

Her eyes widen slightly in surprise but she wastes no time in kissing him back. It was simple. And sweet. Almost exactly how Aylea imagined it. When he pulls away from her, she instantly misses the feeling. Smiling brightly up at him "What a pleasant surprise." She says.

Seung Jo sits up and helps her sit up as well "I hear spontaneous things keeps relationships alive. And I've wanted to kiss you for a while now." He admits. "Wanna hear a secret?" She asks. He nods "Sure."

"Me too." She stage whispers, picking up a spring roll and biting into it. He chuckles and eats as well, Aylea laying her head on his shoulder.


First kiss!

I think it's cute. Hehe

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