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Aylea groans in her sleep, Jimmy Eats World blaring in her dreams for some reason. She opens her eyes and reaches around until she feels the phone and grabs it, answering blindly "Hello?"

"Aylea! I'm sorry for calling, I know you must be resting after such a heavy loaded course." Doctor Pyo chuckles causing her to sit up quickly, ignoring Seung Jo's sleepy protest at her movement. "Doctor Pyo, I'm sorry, was I supposed to come in today for something?" She asks running a hand through her hair.

"No no, I'm just calling to deliver some news to you. I've spoken with your dean both here and in your college back home. Last night we had a conference with a few of your professors." At that her stomach drops in nervousness until he continues. "We went over your paper and all. I've decided to offer you a position with us until you graduate."

Her eyes widen "Seriously?!" She smiles big. "But wait, I still have to finish school..." she sighs. He laughs "And the university has offered for you to finish your studies here! Whether you want to transfer completely and Graduate here is up to you, but they are giving you a full tuition scholarship and waiving the previous cost you would have owed."

Aylea is speechless. Seung Jo looks at her curiously, having woken up at all the commotion. "I can't believe this...this is so amazing..." she whispers, as if yelling would wake her up from some dream. Doctor Pyo chuckles "You deserve it. All your hard work and effort has definitely not gone unnoticed. Come into my office tomorrow and sign the paperwork. Congratulations Aylea!"

After they hang up, Aylea looks down at Seung Jo with a happy grin. "What happened?" He asks. "Something great. I get to stay." She lays back down, cuddling into him.

"You do? For how long?" His face lights up. "The rest of my college career! And I can keep my internship at the hospital." She says giddily. Seung Jo cups her face in his hands, kissing her gently "I'm so proud of you. You deserve it you know? I can tell you're really passionate about your work." She smiles kissing him back.

After showering and borrowing some of Seung Jo's ridiculously long sweat pants and a t shirt, Aylea gets to her apartment and kisses Seung Jo goodbye. She tosses her dirty clothes in a hamper and face plants on her bed. She could stay. A whole year longer. And she just knows that if she does she'll be offered a full time position at the hospital. All it takes is a work visa.

But can she? Pick up her whole life in America and move it all to South Korea? She'll have to go home first. She misses her mom and siblings way too much. Go to her doctor to get checked up again and have them send all her files to the hospital she works at. Eat as much Cajun and creole food as she can stuff in her mouth. Smother her friends in love and affection. Then high tail it back to Korea for her next classes.

It can be done. And it will be done. She smiles and picks up her phone to call her mom.

The song has nothing to do with the story I just like it. Hehe

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