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"Park Bo Gum...Park Bo Gum aged 39, suffered from PTSD and hallucinations. Prone to self harm and suicide." Aylea pauses to get her bearings "Recently commited suicide after being released for three days. Traces of the antidepressants and anti anxiety medication was in the patients system suggesting they did take their medication as directed. There was only one note left behind saying...'Thank You Doctor Davis, I'm sorry...' and the officials have found no evidence to suggest foul play or a homicide." Aylea closes her binder as she gives her report of her patients suicide in front of head Doctor Pyo and her peers. She had managed not to cry but her throat was on fire from holding in the sobs.

Doctor Pyo nods with a sigh "You are all dismissed." He says and Aylea bows thankfully and mumbles a thanks before rushing off to the locker rooms.

Entering the empty room she falls to her knees and lets out the sob she had been holding in. One hand clutches her chest as her mind flashes back to that day she heard the words she had been fearful of hearing for years. Her brother had committed suicide. Of course she knew this was something that would come with the job, these painful memories. But she felt a little better at the prospect of helping someone get better from those thoughts.

Aylea pulls out the neatly folded letter her patient left for her and reads the simple sentence over and over again. Bo Gum was an interesting character. He told her stories about his childhood and whenever speaking of his demons, he'd look her straight in the eyes. His voice never wavering. He had come to terms with his issues. She thought this meant he would live on and keep them as experiences. She failed to see that this meant he had come to terms and was finally seeing peace at the end of his journey. He was a smart man. He knew he just needed to get out to do what he had to do. And Aylea had helped him find peace.

Eyes closed tight, Aylea initially ignores her ringing phone before deciding to at least check who it was. 'Oppa 💕'

She shakes her head slightly and puts her phone away. She couldn't talk to him like this. She was a mess. She needed to go home and relax a bit to face the world the next day. Earth is still spinning on its tilted axis after-all.

"Alright, lets go." She nods and wipes her eyes as she stands and goes to the sink to splash her face gently. Dabbing her face to keep her face from getting too red she heads out and grabs her bag, planning on taking the bus home. "Eh?" She stops as she sees Seung Jo walking in through the entrance, a bag in his hand.

He glances around before seeing her and breaking into a smile "Just the person I wanted to see." He walks over to her. Oh no, my face must look like a train wreck... she smiles as he walks over. "Have you had lunch?" His stride stops in front of her and he brings the bag up to their face level a bit with a little grin.

She shakes her head "No...I was heading home actually..." her voice is quiet and raw from crying, a slight tremble to it. His eyebrows furrow "Are you okay?" He asks. She simply nods, her gaze dropping to the floor between them. "Aylea..." his free hand takes hers gently. She didn't even notice her hand was balled up into a fist until his thumb caresses her knuckles gently. She unballs her hand and he holds it in his gently. "I'll bring you home if you like?"

"Okay..." she says, her hand giving his a gentle squeeze, smiling a little bit as she was thankful for him at that moment, truly.

Once in his car, he puts the bag with food on the console between them. "You should eat," he says quietly. "It's wraps...with shrimp."

She nods again "Thank You Seung Jo," she gives him a tight smile and opens the bag, taking out the lunch box he had neatly packed. She starts to eat as he starts his car and pulls off. Not once does he ask her why she's upset, and she feels relief to be able to ride quietly with food, and someone beside her who was simply there for her. Her thoughts play out in her head, and she leans back against the seat, trying to process everything and focus her emotions on calm breathing.

"Seung Jo...I had a really bad day at work. A patient of mine died, and it reminded me of something personal that happened to me as a teenager...that's why I'm so upset." She says softly. Not that's she needed to explain herself to him, or that he'd try and make her. But she had to tell her feelings to someone.

Seung Jo sighs "I wish you didn't have to go through that. If you are ever having a bad day and want to talk, you can call me. I'll make time for you." He stops at a red light and turns to her "Aylea...I like you. I want to spend more time with you and get to know you. Like the things you like and don't like. Your Favourite colour and if you prefer dogs or cats. I want to be someone you can come to when your feelings are too much to handle alone..."

Her eyes are wide in delighted surprise at his straightforwardness. She blushes and turns her head to the road "Green light..." she points shyly. He drives off at that and again they settle into a comfortable silence. Her head swirling with his words. He likes me. He wants to get to know me. The real me. What if he doesn't like the real me? But it's worth the shot. Life is what you make it...

As they arrive at her apartment, Aylea finds herself not wanting to leave his presence so soon. He parks in the lot and shuts off his car. She had finished eating and had put everything back neatly into the bag. "Seung Jo...I like you too. " she smiles at him. This time she reaches and takes his hand "Thank You, for being there for me today. Even if you didn't know I needed the support. And I'd like to get to know you more as well."


Sowwie! But it's a drama so it's gotta be dramatic right?


What do you think so far? Now that most of the sad stuff is out of the way, More romance!

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