Twenty Three

220 9 6

Seung Jo POV

"Aylea Davis." He tells the woman at the front desk. The woman nods and pages her, going back to her paperwork. Seung Jo sees Tae Kyung and Na Ra walk past reading over charts. "Hey..." he calls to them. They glance up and their eyes widen, rushing past him mumbling excuses.

He rolls his eyes and turns as Aylea walks up. "Yes?" She looks down at her hands.

" there something you want to tell me?" He asks. Her eyes widen slightly "No?" She more asks than tells. He sighs "Aylea please, tell me what's going on. My mom won't tell me so I need some sort of answers."

She plays with her fingers before reaching for his hand. He lets her take his hand and she steps a bit closer, pressing his open hand to her stomach. Confused at first, he tries to feel what she was showing him and freezes as he realizes. There was something there. Barely detectable if you didn't know her body.

Her stomach was hard, and slightly rounded. "You're pregnant..." he says rather dumbly. She nods "Yeah...almost two months." She lightly brushed his hand off and adjusts her lab coat.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Seung Jo tried to catch her eyes but she keeps them down. "I was going to, the day after I got back. I was at the shop and everything. But before I could go in, your mom showed up. She saw the ultrasound-oh here by the way if you want a copy," she takes out her wallet purse thing and gives him a folded up copy.

"Anyway she saw the ultrasound and told me about your business struggling and how your dad's health had tanked. She made me realize that maybe a child would be too much for you. On top of that, sure your dad tolerates me as a girlfriend, but will he really accept me in this way?" She finally looks up and meets his eyes.

Seung Jo stays quiet, looking from her to the photo in his hands. There it was, no bigger than a baseball. Their child. "Aylea this is great news. You know I've always dreamed of having a family. I don't see why my dad being in bad health would effect my happiness of this. Or my business. " he smiles at her "We can be a family. Don't pull away from me."

She shakes her head "Where is your father right now? Downstairs right? You know why? Your mother told him about the baby. And it was too much on his heart. It's not unexpected that they'd react this way though. Their only son ruining the family name and bloodline. If I just...go your family can still remain intact." Aylea shrugs.

He opens his mouth to object but stops to think. If the thought of him having a child with Aylea put his father in the hospital, what would happen if they were to marry and have the child together? Aylea smiles sadly "See? Family first. Go on back down to visit him. I'll be okay." She says turning and walking off.

"Aylea..." he reaches for her but she quickly leaves. Walking away carrying his child. Leaving him behind confused and with a tight sensation in his chest. He had to tread carefully now.

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