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"Get up," Aylea smacks Seung Jo with a pillow, interrupting his rest mid snore. Yes the man snored. Not to a disturbing level but it was there. He blinks at her slowly "Huh?"

She rolls her eyes "Today's the day. I'm already packed up, I just need a ride to the airport and I'll be out of your hair for a few weeks." She grins. He sighs "You won't be gone more than a month right?" He asks with a yawn sitting up. She was already dressed and completely ready.

"I'll be gone as long as I can afford to be. This last year is gonna be hell." She sighs imagining the school work ahead. "You'll do fine as usual. No use stressing it." He pats her head and goes to get dressed, moving slow on purpose.


Aylea grins as she sees her family waiting for her at the airport. Her mom and her siblings. "I'm back!" She squeals happily rushing to their open arms. Hugging her mom especially tight, she sighs in bliss "I've missed you so much..." Her mom death hugs her "You were gone way too long. I was going crazy without my baby." She chuckles, leading them all to the car.

Aylea messages Seung Jo that she landed and was with her family. She puts her phone away and rubs her stomach "Time for food." She smirks getting in her moms truck.


"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for people in our position Ma." Aylea sighs as her mom protests going back to Korea. "You only want to go cos some man." She shakes her head. Aylea rolls her eyes "Wow mom, because I don't have an entire career ahead of me. I'm not asking for permission, I'm telling you I'm going back. I love you but I'm an adult."

Her mom rolls her eyes this time "Whatever. Just go on, enjoy your youth I guess." Aylea shakes her head "You never seem to believe I can do anything without some crazy motive. School is important to me. Can't you understand that? This is why I was so eager to leave in the first place..." she rubs her face.

The two women sit quietly, Aylea thinking if she should head back sooner. Her mom looks across at her and sighs "you're  right. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I get that. Just trust my ability to be able to make the best of any situation." She teases gently, her mom rolling her eyes. "Fine, I trust You. Now go make me a hot pocket. Eating all that Korean food, don't want you to forget where you came from." She smirks

Momma Aylea is in the house! Back in good ole Nawlins
Jk. Don't ever say that to a Native. You might get headbutted.

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